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My turning point, almost my death
Zet, I've been off line for a couple days so I couldn't respond right away.

You often ask: "What's the point of it all?"

Is life pointless?

The answer is yes, life is pointless (IF YOU DON'T SEARCH).

You must search but realize you'll never find the answer. NEVER! The search ITSELF is the POINT.

Sorry if I sound really "Zen" or "transcendental" or "mystic", but it's the TRUTH.

ONLY YOU can discover the reason why you get out of bed in the morning. And I truly hope you find that reason. It might be a certain passion you develop for work or recreation--or <gasp!> even another person.

The best gift we can give and get is LOVE.

Love for ourselves.
Love for the Green Earth.
Love for others.

Every day is a gift; every day is a new birth. It's up to YOU what you do with those gifts. You can cherish each one and always look forward to the next. Or you can push them aside and say, "I never asked for these. What am I supposed to do with this?"

The answers are in your heart and brain. Hang out with people who fill your heart and brain with love and wisdom.

On December 30 1994 I committed suicide.

I succeeded, twice in fact since they first time the resuscitated me didn't take. All told I was dead a little over 3 minutes. The ER doctor confessed that she was worried I would be the first patient she ever lost. At age 28 she felt I was way to young to die.

How I did it? I decided if my antidepressants were supposed to alleviate depression that the whole bottle would cure the depression once and for all.

Why did I do it? Aside from the emotional horror of depression, I was also misdiagnosed as 'chronically' depressed instead of for Seasonal Affected Disorder: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0002499/ Being described a mood 'fixer' only made my melancholia into suicidal depression.

I have been to the point where death looks like a very real option and the only option. It is not a good place to be. I understand how you are feeling - been there, did that. While we could list 'stuff' as to the cause - bad job, bad life choices, lack of a life partner, et cetera, the reality is that it is an emotional state that all depressed people share.

Due to my experiences with drugs (both legal and illegal) I am a bit leery of the whole 'take an antidepressant to fix the problem' path that psychiatrists take.

A psychiatrist comes with a M.D. after their name, as such they have focused on the chemical aspects of emotional/mental health issues and will spend about 15 minutes with you, slap on a diagnoses and proceed to prescribe you the latest antidepressant or other psychological-drug.

A psychologist usually does not have the MD after their name. Their focus has been on dealing with the emotions via therapy. As such they will spend many hours with your helping you to discover the underlying 'causes' of many things.

No emotional event takes place in a vacuum. There is no one single 'cause' to any given issue. The fact that you came this close to an attempt is scary - really scary. Especially since your plan was so violent. being hit by a fast moving train would most assuredly resulted in death, no resuscitation for you.

As you are now aware your actions would have consequences for others, case in point the engineer of the train who most likely would have issues of his own knowing he took a life. "Accident" or through no willful act of his own, your action would have changed his life forever in ways that I doubt we can really understand or imagine fully.

This is the 'hidden' cost of suicide. We never know what the full impact of our 'action' has on everyone else.

You have 'discovered' part of that hidden cost here, as such this most likely has left a new emotional scar on you, one that you really need to address as well as all of the other emotional luggage you carry with you.

My personal experience has been that a therapist (psychologist) is the best possible route for dealing with messy human emotions.

If I understand what I have read correctly, there is 'free' health care in Sweden. I am uncertain if there is full 'coverage' for mental health issues or if there are programs that provide free and sliding scale payment schedules for therapy.

In any case I want for you to find a therapist and go to at least a weekly session for at least one month. That is just 4 sessions. Really this is very easy, you go there, talk - nothing put at risk to you.

Promise me that for that month you will not make another attempt on your life. I'm only asking for a month of time. I'm only asking 4 simple sessions.

Talk to a therapist, let him/her help you figure out if you need to see a psychiatrist for medications.

I want for you to ask the doctor if Seasonal Affected Disorder is a potential underlying cause. A therapist will take this far more seriously than a psychiatrist. Mostly because most SAD patients respond to light therapy and various other non-drug therapies. Thus a psychiatrist is unable to pull out their prescription pad and throw pills at you.

The reason why I am asking you to explore SAD is because this is still the 'dark of winter' and it could be the reason why you are more depressed than ever before. If it is SAD I have good news - with light therapy http://www.sltbr.org/sadfaq.htm you may experience a vast improvement in your overall mood and not need drugs at all.

Life is worth 'it' - seriously it is. Being hampered with chemical/photochemical depression hides the worth of life.

Very well written Bowyn sure got me thinking.

When I was small I went to a curator as there was an event that was hard to recover from. It was free, but all kind of treatment (Except for the medicine) is free under 18. But an average legitimate Psychology in Sweden almost can almost cost 1000 Kr (Swedish Crowns) an hour, converting it to pound will it be 90-100 pounds somewhere, IF not specially chosen from any kind of health center where you can get it cheap or free, but they're resources are very limited.

I hope your feeling better now, have you set any long term goals for yourself? it helps sometimes if you have something to keep yourself occupied.

i think you should get help

i think suicide sucks for everyone ,you and all you know

so don't even think about it

you need a good doctor

they're free in Sweden i guess
if they're good i don't know but there are things and people on the internet

vitamin b12 or niacin may help you

there is also a suicide prevention site the Samaritans i think or also burden bearers

i was suicidal around 19 i guess but not now


you have many questions zet and we all have these questions why life is so crass in this age we live in but i think there is hope

you need to talk to people here or a doctor about your life and not keep it in

im swedish too -i think my grandfather was from smaland

a song for you

i think this the right link

pf sloan


Why didn't I just kill my self yesterday, while I still was drunk...

Suicide isnt always the option... I know depression can make you feel as though its the only way out and its never the way out... I want you to know that being an unoffical agony aunt on here if ya want to talk in private feel free to send me a message in my inbox.. I am currently helping some other members on here cope with a few things in life and one thing i will say is i wont give up on someone in need of help.. I am pleased to read that you didnt die because for starters your family would be devistated and secondly you got us alot on here who are a supporting community so if theres something on your mind thats bringing you down please before you try to do it again or contimplate it why not either post it on here and give it time or if you want to talk to someone 121 send me a message... I have suffered depression before and come out the other side a winning man and my moment in life now is to help those in need... At the age of 11 i crossed a busy road with cars travelling at 40 MPH and i ended up suffering when i got hit by one trying to die... l now suffer pains in my leg on point of impact as i nearly snapped my leg clean off

kindest regards and big bloody hugz

Zeon xx

p.s u got an ear here if u want one and for everyone else.... I have the same service to you if you need to talk to a complete stranger.... Talking to someone u dont know face to face can help more than someone u know personally

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