Granted now there a huge transvestite at your door
I wish i had a blank cheque signed by donald trump.
Granted and Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a blank cheque from Sr. Donald Rodriguez Trump, currently residing in New Mexico. Unfortunately he is bankrupt and getting deported tomorrow.
I wish I could fly.
Granted. You are now a fruit fly.
I wish my nose wasn't bleeding right now.
Granted, an assassin slits your throat, now blood won't be coming out of your nose.
I wish I had a boyfriend
Granted, but his name is Sauron and he lives in Mordor, and has a horribly smelly dungon where he keeps you and all his other subs, and makes them perform unspeakable bukka.... Speak to Bowyan
I wish i could read minds
Wish granted.
(That's a ruination in itself.)
I wish dicks.
Granted. Everyone named Dick is now living in your flat.
I wish for chicken pot pie.
Granted but the chicken was under cooked and bloody.
I wish I was asleep right now
Granted, a boulder crashes into your head and now you're comatose..
I wish I didn't have to work with so many potencially life-threatening acids
Granted though you now have to work in a zoo with potentially life-threatening lions.
I wish i had someone to cuddle tonight