Granted, enjoy having more warts on your dick and piranhas in your ponds.
I wish I was could breathe underwater
granted, but now you can't be on land.
I wish for a trip to Japan
Granted, you are now a worker at the The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, erm I mean 'power plant'.
I wish I had become a virologist.
Granted but you get all the viruses in the world at once (including pokerus)
I wish I had 9 lives
Granted but they last about 5 minutes each
I wish I could visit the European frontlines in 1914
But your mustard gas canister goes off in your trousers.:eek:
Apart from all the other constination that causes to your bum and other bits and bobs you keep in your pants :eek:, your totie is perminently stained bright yellow.
This has the knock-on effect of giving every one of your sex partners the screaming giggles, which causes them to loose any kind of erection they get, and you never ever... ever... ever... have sex again.:biggrin:
I wish I was on holiday already...:frown:
Granted, now you can see the pics, but the revelation is too much, you go insane, and you spend the rest of your days confined in a dark hole in some crappy instituion for mental illnesses somwhere in Siberia
I wish I could wreck other people's private property wiht no consequences