Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:Well you can tell them, or you can just meet some nice guy, move in with each other, marry and pretend each time the folks come over that he is just your roommate. I'm sure the parents won't suspect a thing for at least a decade.
Eventually they will be told by someone, or figure it out on their own. In the meanwhile you will have lover(s) to deal with who will get tired of tip-toeing around and living the lie with you.
Since you are independent, it may be a good idea to drop the Gay Bomb. Mind there are right ways and wrong ways to drop the Gay Bomb.
If you are seeking full humiliation and horror from the parents, do it at a funeral when all family members are present. Its especially effective if the person in the casket is a staunch - 100% anti-gay person and you confess loudly to them 'Just to let you know aunt Marge, I am gay and I'm proud!' as your parting words.
If you are wanting to break it easy to them, then I suggest you do it either individually or as a couple. If they are divorced doing it as a couple is a bad idea.
And just tell them 'You know, I'm gay.'
In all honesty it nice you want to keep your folks as your folks, but if they can't accept you totally then the whole pride, honor, love of parents and offspring thing just isn't there and you are better off knowing that and not spending years, decades attempting to win something you can't win.
Agree, totally.
My mom said she always knew, and was actually happy that I am gay, cause now she's got a shopping buddy

. When I told my dad (he was never around, till recently), it was pretty hostile, cause we had just came from swimming at a pool with my brothers and sister(he asked me to come, so I said yes) and we saw a guy with a purse and bedazzled jeans and my sister asked "dad, why does he have a purse?". My brothers(I have 3 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters, brothers on my dad's side and 1 sister. The other sister is from my mom) started laughing and called him a sissy and my dad just laughed and agreed with them.
Now usually, I'm a very calm and very loving and open person, but something in me snapped, maybe because my siblings were laughing at someone who could've potentially have been me or the fact that my father wasn't stopping them. I started to tell them off and they all went quite. My dad was driving the car at this time, and he kept looking at me strange and was like "why do you care so much?"
I was like (pardon my language :c), "how can you not respect a fellow human being, no matter what he/she looks like or their sexual orientation, you asshole??" and he was just shaking his head and pretty much blew me off. I said to him, what if that had been me walking with my purse and my bedazzled jeans, would you have made fun of me? He gave me one of those "wahhhh?" looks and then he said, "I'd love you no matter what" and I was just like, yeah right, fuck off. My brother's looked shocked(my sister wasn't listening after I started shouting), but when we got back to the house(their house), my brother's told me that I wasn't a sissy and was still their awesome big bro, and I actually started crying. They've never seen me cry before, so they were utterly shocked. Afterwards, everyone got together to play some Supersmash bro's (even my dad and his girlfriend) on the wii and I was just so mad, but so relieved that atleast my brothers loved me as I am.
Not to soon after, my brother's and sister were enrolled in a school in england, and my father and his girlfriend(who actually likes me) moved away with them, and I've only spoken to my siblings once, last christmas. I felt like he was just trying to put some distance between us, and that hurt me, but I'm not a vengeful person. I've forgiven him and I don't believe he wants/wanted to hurt me, but he's just not used to it. He was raised a "macho" man and is an international runner and has been a "mans man"(no pun intended :tongue

all his life. He got my mom pregnant at 14 when he was going on 19. He's lucky my mom never pressed charges, but they both said it was consentual.
Basically, you don't know what your future will hold, but ask yourself this. Is it worth the risk to be free and happy in your own skin, regardless of the chaos and negativity around you? Or would you rather stay in that un-comfortable closet until you feel like it's suffocating you? Obviously take your time, but not because other people are pressuring you/ making you feel bad about yourself, but because it's about you and how comfortable you feel. Never feel like being yourself is something to be ashamed of. Be proud of who you are, both individualistically and as a whole person. Parents are important, trust me I know, I basically grew up with my mother, but you have to be
you at some point and not your mom and/or dad's little boy.
It's like being a butterfly(not trying to be funny), in order to become beautiful and vibrant, you have to first undergo your "metamorphsis", which is probably the hardest part of a catipillars life, cause so many things can go wrong while they're in that vulnerable state, but eventually they make it through and so will you.