Mr. Not So Lonely Wrote:I have been to many many many gay clubs/bars I no longer go WHY? you may ask....
making music louder does NOT make it better and every club/bar has music so loud you can damage your hearing not to mention most of them are full of two types of people. clicky little bitches who think they are better that everyone else(and are not) and the ones who are looking for sex and only sex.
At 51 been there done that and besides I have a wonderful man who loves me who I met right here on this site and do not need the drama or games of the club scene.
If you wish to do the club thing go for it it is just not for a real man who wants more than just a quicky or to be snubbed by a pretty/petty little queen
Eeep. Not all feminine guys are that way :3 I'll have you know Mr. :biggrin: .
But I agree. Bars in general to me are pretty gross. I go a few times a year with my gal pals (who are straight) to this gay friendly bar. It's gay friendly past 11pm lol. I'm not old enough to drink, so I don't and from all the stories I've heard about roofies and what not, I don't think I ever will.
I love to dance, but it's like, whenever your dancing by yourself, someone just tries to grind all up in your space. and I'm like "get off my ass", cause I don't go there to have sex. I'm like, "I'll let you know, but for now, get up out my face". I don't even like going really, but my friends have fun, and after awhile I do too.
When you go with girls, expect to try to be hooked up alot. My friend tried to hook me up with a married man, and I was like "you don't see that big ol' ring on his finger?"but she's usually drunk by that time (she's 22 this year).
And I feel like I have to watch after them, cause otherwise i'm scared they might get raped by somebody, so while I'm in my own little bubble dancing, with some guy trying to jump in my pants, and I'm trying to shoo him away, I have to watch my friends at the same time to make sure they don't go somewhere without telling one of us (it's usually 5 of us). The buddy system & no gal left behind rule is always in effect when we go out. I always feel like the "mom" when we go out, cause I have to make sure they're okay.
If i'm out with guys(my gay guy friends too), it's alot less worrying, cause they could handle themselves.
I prefer house parties or just no parties at all.
My Snuggie waits for me at home, along with a good book and some Bach or Mozart playing on my iPod and a cup of hot coco :3. Much more of a sit in bed and read person, rather than going out and getting raped person.
I'm actually scared that one day, one of my friends or I would get raped, cause you wont believe the amount of guys that crowd the bar. The ratio is like 5guys for every 3girls. Plus, the guys that go there are sometimes aggressive. People don't peg me for a bar/party goer, but I can get pretty wild, but it's rare that I really have fun.
It's really up to you and where you go. Just make sure you are able to take care of yourself. Don't accept drinks from random people and have a buddy. No buddy, no go to bar, thats the rule. and never leave your buddy!
