05-22-2012, 02:28 PM
thanks everybody, some good advice there! I couldn't quote everybody so I just have to reply generally
I forgot there's some awesome people on this site
I think the gist is you CAN be friends with people you work with, and that's ideal, like Kiid and Queenodi were saying. It's this odd oxymoron in business where in personality you have to be warm yet cold; it's taking me some getting used to. It's like - "You're so wonderful! let's work together! (as long as you make me money >.>") ... yuck.
I'm sure it will sort, it sounds a bit detatched but I'm not losing any sleep over it ^_^

I think the gist is you CAN be friends with people you work with, and that's ideal, like Kiid and Queenodi were saying. It's this odd oxymoron in business where in personality you have to be warm yet cold; it's taking me some getting used to. It's like - "You're so wonderful! let's work together! (as long as you make me money >.>") ... yuck.
I'm sure it will sort, it sounds a bit detatched but I'm not losing any sleep over it ^_^