pellaz Wrote:all good
what is not as expected?
not "expected," some rules just wouldn't work for me

That doesn't mean it won't work for spencer.
pellaz Wrote:-speaking of rules; if you two have an argument, and one boy goes off to sleep on the couch the other can ask the first to come back to bed and the first must do it. For example if he argues with you give him a couple of hours to cool down and walk over and say "your sorry", ask him back into the bed. He cant refuse but if he does crawl onto the couch with him. never ever sleep alone more than a couple of hours.
This gives me creeps :biggrin: Making peace before you go to bed, ok.
he "can't" refuse - uh, never
also sleeping on a couch with someone who I am mad at would drive me up the wall and not in a good way. Sometimes the things are better in the morning, you just need to sleep on it.
Quote:-another rule if you like; you have to ask permission to sleep over at your mother's house.
I have a huge problem with "ask permission." Talk about it yes, being dependent on my partner's permission/agreement - uh, no. I won't do something that would hurt him, but I need some freedom. I usually say "I will ..., is it ok with you?" And he never says no. Probably because I never do anything wild :biggrin:
Quote:-if you can trust him with your life,
hmm, not sure if I would trust anybody with my life after a month (two, I am sorry, I can't remember) relationship. But you probably meant sometime in their future years.