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Hey guys,
So I am going to be a witness in a trial, is there any tips anyone can give me? Obviously I know to tell the truth etc but is their anything I should expect? Because I don't want the defence to tear me to shreds. Basically I have to give evidence on an incident outside my house in which neighbours damaged mine and other peoples garden / property also a policeman was assaulted by one of the people there. Apparently I may be in court for a few days. Is this normal? Anyone with experience this would be a help so I know what to expect!
Dont panic over court because it can be a experience of a lifetime... Trust me i have been a few timesd and to be honest with my job who likes traffic wardens??? Especially when your there to get some compensation hopefully... Now the judges dont ask the questions all they do is sit and listen and cross examin the evidence and usually there is one in the middle and two atr the side... When you arrive at court report to the Usher at the front desk and notify them that you are there.. Do not assume you will be called like a doctors surgery because it doesnt work that way and it could be construded that you didnt attend when required to do so by law resulting in a warrant for your arrest for wasting court time.. If you got a jury it is made up of 12 random people from the street who have been sworn in to do jury service and you may have the other family sitting at the back on one side and some of yours at the other side. Now typical court questions are for example
You said in your statement that my client Mr T rex was wearing a Blue jumper and a grey pair of trousers, well Mr K I suggest to you that Mr T rex was wearing a green jumper with red shorts wouldnt you agree?? It can be quite intimidating when all they do is say I SUGGEST... Sometimes i wish i could reply.. I suggest you stop talking bullshit but nevermind thats what your paid to do!... Dont panic over the whole ordeal because you are the innocent party not the guilty party.. You may get some silly twat sitting there taking notes.. The whole judge judy scenario isnt true thats how its done in america here in the UK its usually a small little court depending upon whether its a county court or a magistrates court your going to... It wont be a big massive thing as you find them in the crown courts...
If you dont understand dont hesistate to ask them to repeat the question.. I did and ill share an experience with you on a court case i had to endure... Basically I was issuing a parking ticket to a veichle and the driver wasnt happy and threw tomato ketchup (5ml sachet) at me and in court not only did i feel a COMPLETE DICK but i was questioned how i was certain it was tomato ketchup and how i knew it was him who did it... They will try to fill your head with utter nonesense and imagenary things but remember how aunty told you on the phone to just be damn arrogant... Well stand by your guns whatever your neighbour did you know it happenned and if they try to pick a fault say No... When my ex got his face slashed with a car key issuing a ticket the defendants solicitor was accusing my ex of calling the driver a fat lazy cunt and provoking the attack and my ex replied... No.. No... No... No...
Dont try to explain the whole situation to them because at the end of the day they dont want the ins and outs of a ducks arse just be clear consice and honest... Walk into the room walk upto the witness box and you will be given the option to swear on the Holy Grail or alternatively do a non religious one... I chose the non religious one its a hell of a sight shorter lol...
Remember that you keep your cool at all times and let them fire away with the questions... They will have a copy of your statement which you supplied to the police and they will be reading it to find faults in your lines and see where they can get you to undo all your hard work. If the judge swears secrecy on the court case you will not be allowed to continue to post on this thread because if you discuss it with ANYONE it can be deemed to prevert the course of justice and you could end up in a lot of trouble... Whatever the judge says and does you dont ask why you suck eggs and just do it... Do not think your in a need to hurry to be honest just stand there and take in the moment... Treat it like a panto where your on the stage saying your lines... When i am in court if i got a jury and the men are cute what i do is picture them all naked in my mind to take away the nerves or if they are old and wrinkley and knocking on deaths door i think of something like them dressed up in a gimp suit...
Trust me mister you have nothing to worry over it can be daunting because no one wants to go to court but once youve done it once you can do it again as its all a giggle to be honest and on a final note
I suggest line remember means they want you to admit something that isnt true so they win the case....
Any problems or if nerves get the better of you and you want to chat im off work monday if you want to call me landline...
Keep safe
Aunty zeon xx
Posts: 1,296
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Joined: Jun 2009
I'm a : Single Gay Man
When any situation occurs that I feel that I might have to make a statement on, I write down everything I can remember time date people's names, vehicle discriptions etc. This info is neccesary for insurance purposes as well as court if it goes that far, Jim