Horrible. To disown your own flesh and blood is absolutely disgusting. I don't understand how people can let their hate for homosexuality outweigh the love they have for their loved ones.
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I'm a : Single Gay Man
That's sad, I get the feeling the same might happen to me though. not with my dad but other family members.
My father ( born 1915 ) was 70 y. old as I had my first relationship with a guy. It was a other generation.... and I don´t know what he understand from my gay-lifestyle ... but he accepted it in his own way .... he told my ex to call him by his first name ( and that much if you know that this generation in Germany never allow strangers to say "you"... the correct the correct form of address was "Sie" and Mr. and family name..... )
I had more problems with my brother.... born 1943.... he "disowed" me ...I laughed a lot ...it was really funny ... I just told him that we see us one time again ...on the cemetery with me peeing on his grave.
But honestly I had react in the same way with all family members .... father or not ... if a family member reacts this way ... this member is not worth to have me as brother..son ..or whatever....
And I give this advice every one with this problems .... it is not our fault to be gay ... but it is their fault as they react in this way.... and nobody who disowe his kid, brother... only because the kid is gay is not worth to have a kid .... sure ....maybe a problem for the first time ... but it is my live ... and everyone who reacts this way is against myself.... and not worth to know me.... why I should have a understanding for them if they have no understanding for me .... I have not enough time in my life to fill it with people who aren´t it worth ...family or not.
That is just wrong! I could never do anything like that. To be so cold to your son it just makes me upset. I look at my children and I have my suspicions of one of my sons being transgendered and I could never ever take these kids from my life. They are who they are and I love them bc it's not gonna change them that's who theyve always been what a complete jerk that man is!
He should reply to his dad with his own letter stating that (he will not accept a bigot in his life and should not try to contact him in future - if he should pass away before his father then he will not be welcome at the funeral and will be prevented from attending ) p.s .. sod off and die slowly, all the best your once loving son !!!
then id post that of facebook.......
easy for me to say from a distance but that would be my type of responce if i had a father
Sad and heartless. That is all I can say.