I ignore it and hope they go away.
Well mostly I ignore it.
I tried the education angle, pulling out the scriptures and showing them where God's love is. After years of doing that I realized that they are bound and determined to be lost in their hatred. There is nothing anyone can do to make them see reason, nor love, nor tolerance.
Having argued for years with so called 'Christians' over what the bible does and does not say (not only on the LGBT issue, but many others) I also realized that these sorts of people are purposefully self imposing their own ignorance. They refuse to learn, refuse to actually think for themselves.
Why? Unknown.
I personally do not understand bigotry. It escapes me.
Also, according to the Westboro Baptist Church, women preachers are "whores."
I watched a minute of the first video and my back was getting up... Ok so lets play the whole god card.. I didnt realise that wench who looks like she should have been tried for being a witch as clearly dresses like one has a direct link to god... Is she on crack because lets face it... I burnt my bible one night when i needed the bonfire to get going and decided to give up my religion and i do not pay any money to the local church as required in my mortgage agreement because in my opinion... Why pay an organisation which says i am wrong??? Thats like a guy paying someone to murder him... It isnt right... Now jermey kyle is the best i must admit and i love his views and his arrogance and if i ever met anyone like that bich i would tell them that they are a disgrace to nature... God didnt make us nature did u silly twat and to be honest unless u can show me evidential proof of some harry potter look a like in existance.... Ill remain a non believer! As the slogan said recently
If you raise a child on hatred they will practice it and if being gay is wrong then so is so many other things..
hatred will never be abolished in this world which is a walk of life we live by its easier to hate than it is to understand x
the family in the youtube video are nothing more than people loosing the plot and getting envolved in something they shouldnt be... I know that this was prooven when she said that god hates catholics as they are pedophiles
she has properly lost the plot i was laughing all the way through she needs to be tried for being a witch because any decent parent would love their child unconditionally regardless...
This woman is just mean. How can she sit there and tell that woman who lost her son "he's in hell and it's your fault." That's inhumane, isn't it?
dont focus on the small minded people mate - just live your life as a caring human being ,, i find that these people dig there own graves when put infront of more knowlegable people
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I asked a old police officer how he kept his cool when dealing with people out of control, his answer was "consider the source", James
I don't worry about Westboro because I think they're their own worst enemies, and by extension they make gay bashing look bad (just like the Nazis made racism look bad to Americans even though America probably inspired many of the Nazis racist policies), so I hope they keep offending America in interviews like this and making sure they share how much they hate gays so that others who share the Westboro hatred of homosexuality seems to be like them.
Even the KKK has said Westboro is too hateful.
Unfortunately, there are homophobes and outright haters who are just as extreme as Westboro on the gay issue but they know how to better present themselves and not alienate the public. These are the ones who get invited to pray at Obama's inauguration and get "kill the gays" bills passed in Africa (showing what they hope for America in the end but in the meantime fighting gay marriage in the US), and then there are people like the CEO of Chick-fil-A who donate millions of dollars to these groups. Those are the dangerous ones, those are the ones I dread.