11-22-2012, 10:04 AM
Hi, Exokonan here with another weird topic. Hopefuly ths one doesn't put you guys over the edge, and I apologize if I make any errors for I am typng hectically on an iPad.
2 nights ago my partner asked me to see if he'd wake up during an orgasm. Since he's a heavy sleeper it wasn't a problem to reach into his pants and wank him off. He was basically out cold, no meds were used or any form of alcohol, and it was fairly easy to let him reach climax. However, once I was done, he remained motionless for 5 minutes until he squirmed and moaned sexually. He woke up 10 minutes later and went about his day. I'm not entirely sure if those were the effects of the orgasm, and it really provoked my thoughts.
So here are my questions:
1: Does the person sleeping feel the effects of the orgasm during their slumber? After?
2: Does the body receive the same ... build up of pressure as if the person were awake? (clenching muscles, sexual pleasure)
3: Does using technique further the advancement to climax during their slumber? (i.e., clenching their balls, sucking them off, rubbing their head/nipples.)
I sincerely apologize if this is the wrong section or if it has been too graphic, I really do. I thank all you in advance for the upcoming answers.
2 nights ago my partner asked me to see if he'd wake up during an orgasm. Since he's a heavy sleeper it wasn't a problem to reach into his pants and wank him off. He was basically out cold, no meds were used or any form of alcohol, and it was fairly easy to let him reach climax. However, once I was done, he remained motionless for 5 minutes until he squirmed and moaned sexually. He woke up 10 minutes later and went about his day. I'm not entirely sure if those were the effects of the orgasm, and it really provoked my thoughts.
So here are my questions:
1: Does the person sleeping feel the effects of the orgasm during their slumber? After?
2: Does the body receive the same ... build up of pressure as if the person were awake? (clenching muscles, sexual pleasure)
3: Does using technique further the advancement to climax during their slumber? (i.e., clenching their balls, sucking them off, rubbing their head/nipples.)
I sincerely apologize if this is the wrong section or if it has been too graphic, I really do. I thank all you in advance for the upcoming answers.