to GS Charlie.
Im afraid you're not going to like my post, but you asked for advice, so here it is.
You've got yourself into a right emotional tangle by falling in love, not only with your best friend, but your best straight friend at that.
The pain and confusion your going through right now are classic jealousy symptoms, and I will be brutally honest here, if you cant get over the fact that he is not only straight but also taken then this can only end in tears, and they will mainly be on your side.
As others have said, you're not the first nor will you be the last gay guy, to fall head over heals in love with their best straight friend. But hopefully by recognising the symptoms (and you must surely have, by coming here and asking your question in the first place) you can find the cure. If you don't, then the ensuing fall out will be messy, depressing, and feel unending.
You have already said you have extended periods away from Danny, so here is my advice. Treat the away time as a break up. Get out socially, join your campus LGBT society and make new friends, have sexual fun (safely) and find yourself a gay guy to fall in love with. Get a bf, and then share that happy news with Danny when the time is right. He will be happy for you when you tell him.
Continue to fixate (stalk?) on Danny and it will become a downwards spiral that will end with you loosing your best friend. Forever.
You're young, your in an environment where you can easily make gay friends, the world is your oyster my friend.
We all want things we cant have, such is life. Move on.
Dont be afraid to ask more questions on here. The advice you will get is from people who have generally been through it all before.
Im not ObW for nothing!
