For me, personally, I tend to have a "big mouth" and I can shoot it off at any given time. I try to watch what I say to people, but sometimes I say things that really hurt.....not my intention, but there it is. In this case, I would accept a whack on the arm or ass.
For everything else, I DONT THINK SO.
Somebody who purposely abuses you, physically or mentally, is telling you how much they hate and despise you.....NOT how much they love and respect you.
I would never let anyone get away with this. His ass would be slung out the front door, along with all of his belongings. Or I would move out while he was at work, never to be heard from again.
There is NO apology for this! I dont care if he's mad, drunk, on drugs, or just "having a bad day" take your anger someplace else and deal with it, you DONT take it home! And you DONT take it out on your partner!!
Why would you stay with someone who despises and hates you so much, torments you, and then LIES about it all?
With all due respect to those out there that have been in this kind of situation....
You let it happen, because you stay. You allow yourself to be abused, misused, and even killed.
Getting abused once, you've been forced into being the victim.
Getting abused more than once, YOU have made yourself a willing "victim".
There is a whole lot of psychology behind this, but I cant go into it here............Id end up writing a book.
To those who find themselves in something like this....
1. LEAVE! There's got to be a friend, family member, coworker, local GLBT organization who can help you out. You are better off alone, than living with a pile of abusive human garbage.
2. LEARN! Learn from your experiences, dont repeat them. You will only be doing to yourself what these abusive dirtbags want to do to you.
3. DONT "fall in love" quickly. Take TIME to get to know someone before you make any real committments. A lot of these dirtbags have their little "scenarios" they like to play out to get you "hooked" on them. But the thing is....the longer you hold out, they harder it is for them to keep up the lies, they will eventually crack and show you who they really are. Then you can just leave them in the dust.
4. BACKUP! Do you have some strong friends and family? Let them be your back up. Your revenge. These dirtbags do what they do, because they create false fears around themselves, so everybody thinks they are some kind of hard assed "bad boy", when all they are, are pussies. Because when it comes right down to it.....they will run and cower in fear when cornered.
5. BE STRONG! Never accept any excuse for this behavior. NEVER! Dont let their lies be made into your truths. This is NOT the type of person you need in your life.
When all else fails............let Wonder Woman be your guide...
![[Image: wonder-woman.jpg]](
Full of love, compassion, and grace.
But she doesnt take shit from no man (or woman).