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How are you today?
I am dreading work today. It's going to be so busy and stressful (there seems to be a pattern with me complaining about work. Tongue)

On the plus side, tonight should be an awesome night out with a girls. Big Grin
So, I'm looking forward to that.

I am sooooo, not happy at the moment. By the end of the day i will either be homeless or living with my mother who hates me. i applied for jobs at liek radishack and wendy's. but i dont think they will call me. if i get a job somehow. my mother wont hate me and i can pay her rent and everything will be fine. but without one she'll toss me. so tonight there might just be a possibility that i sleep with the 99% protesters that are huddled around downtown.....

CONGRATS if you get it, Jamie.

Rainbowmum Wrote:Oh no, I feel for you Jay , that is so heart breaking.
I hope your provider can track the phone down and stop all out going calls.
Some people are so very egomaniacal, I hope Karma gets back at him.
Sending you a hug.

princealbertofb Wrote:Jay, I'm sorry about your new phone. Nobody who is law abiding and considerate of others can understand anyone who isn't so well brought up. And I think we don't expect others to misbehave towards us, because we would naturally behave nicely towards them. It's not your fault if that lad has been carelessly brought up. But that kid will probably be in trouble one day if he keeps on doing wrong. Bighug anyway. hope the pizza's good.

Well I consider that stolen Iphone as my birthday present. To think that I only managed to use it for two weeks, I was dumbfounded.

My provider was unable to find my Iphone as I didn't install this particular app into my Iphone. But they managed to transfer my telephone line from that stolen Iphone into my second Iphone.

I was scolded by few of my colleagues and friends for being careless. I can't blame them though. I deserve it. I've learned my lesson. I now keep my wallet and Iphone inside a drawer. I lock my drawer when I do not use any of them.

I have informed the administration of the office building regarding to my lost Iphone. They took action by slapping a notice on every floor - asking everyone to be careful with unauthorized visitor. They will also check the CCTV to identify the guy. But I doubt we can catch this guy.

Few of the security guards apologized to me when they heard about it. They thought that they didn't a good job in securing the building from unauthorized visitors. I told them that it wasn't their fault. Besides what's done is done.

I was upset when I lost that Iphone. At least on that morning. But I have slowly managed to let it go. Yes, it cost me a fortune but I can't put myself down because of it. I'll probably whine, groan and curse again after I've received next month's credit card bill.

As I've mentioned previously, I wasn't keen with my new white Iphone. My stolen Iphone was in black color. But I've changed my mind. I now love my white Iphone.

Xandor Wrote:I'm feeling pretty good. I wrote an e-mail to the director of volunteer services at the GLBTQ Center in Las Cruces about doing some volunteer work for them when I get out there. I got an e-mail back froma Mr. Adrian Truillo, the Director of Youth Support saying that they have an opening for a Facilitator for the 14 to 18 year old age group for Youth Support. I have expressed my interest. Hopefully soon, I'll be in Las Cruces to do this work, that I think I am cut out to do. Confusedmile:

You go for it, jamie. I wish you the best of luck.

ManicLewis21 Wrote:I am sooooo, not happy at the moment. By the end of the day i will either be homeless or living with my mother who hates me. i applied for jobs at liek radishack and wendy's. but i dont think they will call me. if i get a job somehow. my mother wont hate me and i can pay her rent and everything will be fine. but without one she'll toss me. so tonight there might just be a possibility that i sleep with the 99% protesters that are huddled around downtown.....

Lewis, if I may ask, why does your mother hate you? Are you still studying?

Getting a job requires patience, confidence and faith to yourself. Just keep applying for a job. You'll eventually get one.

Stay positive, Lewis. We are here for you.

So, uh? Folks here write how they feel, huh? I guess I'm feeling okay...or what the heck, I'm feeling great YAY!

However, if there's one regret...why are there SO many sad stories here? I'm thinking of Xandor(who's luckily doing better now) and ManicLewis whose mom, according to him, hates him for who he is...shit! Can't we all just be happy? Apparently not everyone is given a chance for that.

Xandor Wrote:Its true, there are some sad stories on here. Homelessness seems to be abounding lately. Lewis almost became homeless, runwithscissor was going to become homeless...I don't know where he's at now, and another person (I won't mention his name) might be homeless in a few weeks. Its a shame. It really is. I have been very fortunate myself, but my prayers go out to those who might not be as fortunate.

It really bums me that when I join with somewhat expectations for a dynamic community, that would provide a bit more optimistic insight to gay life, while the community is dynamic, it only reminds how world slaps people into the ground and keeps kicking them until they won't rise again.

I'm not criticizing, God no. Instead I encourage people to share their problems as long as they feel comfortable with it, as it's easier to work them through as a team.

There aren't that many homeless people in my country, so I barely can imagine what it is like. I personally wouldn't have the strength to go through it.

But...I'm trying to get adjusted to this community. So far it has been surprisingly silent, and it seems that people don't participate. I hope that changes, and I get to meet people.

Xandor Wrote:Homelessness abounds in the US. We are one of the richest nations in the world, but our homelessness rate exceeds most countries. It seems that our government simply doesn't care. That's the impression I got when I wrote an e-mail to my local congressman and senator, explaining that I was homeless, and are there any programs for me to take advantage of. You know what I got back in response? An e-mail thanking me for e-mailing the congressman and senator. One line. That's it. They don't want to admit their failure.

As far as this community goes, take it from me. I've been a part of other GLBTQ sites, and this is the most active one I've seen to date. I mean, aside from the ones filled with guys looking for one night stands. You'll meet people. Give it time. I did. Confusedmile:

So I've heard. 30 million unemployed, 20 million homeless and 5 million street children were the dark statics of the Stats, right? (of course, some of those millions belong to the same category, so the real number is slightly smaller) It's a serious problem, and I see Obama's efforts as a step towards an European-styled welfare state. It's a good thing.
But you will have to do major cuts to your military if you want that welfare state, you can't have both.

Ough I'm bloody exhausted, the days lately has been a lot to do, no time even to think. Always so nice to just lay down in the bed and listen to John Lennons voice.

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