I am so happy that I met a great co-worker (he's straight though, sigh), but still, we went out, had a beer and played pool last night, it was fantastic.
Well, I am extremely pissed at the moment. Work sucks and I got my first speeding ticket today... all when I was starting to feel really good about everything too...
I'm sound today yeah - talking with my dear, dear friend Smurlos :biggrin:.
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
Had quite a mellow day off today washed car done a bit of house work and went for a bikeride only did 15 miles today as ive got a very mild cold and didnt want to over do it. Im hopeing to get upto 30 mile rides soon.
Then this afternoon ive made some shortbread its in the oven at the mo and smells lush.