malcs Wrote:Feeling so relived now that ive comeout to my parents was thinking it would be a lot worse than it was!
The Weather is fantastic and ive just come back from a BBQ/party that lasted till 7am even if I did fall asleep at 3.30 lol coudnt be a better day
Aww that's wicked mate, so cool. I've told my mum but not told my dad yet. Haha bbqs like that are funny... I went to a house party where people were too busy drinking, forgot bout the barbie and set the thing alight ooooops, yeah that wasn't so good. Also that night 2 people passed out completely and police came by... not good.
wouldlikemuscle Wrote:Ive just suffered some major embarrassment!!! (no further comment!)
Yes mr, you CAN'T leave it there!
fjp999 Wrote:congrats malcs! Best news ever...
The weather turned freezing here today but still had a nice Mothers Day. Sister had dinner at her place with all the family there.
BIL dropped off his unused mower. It is an automatic super power mower & will help make my jobs much easier 
relaxing and eating watermelon now!
Watermelon again?! Are you doing this on purpose? :tongue:
I've got a glass of lemonade, filled with ice and then proper lemon juice in the top mmm. I think I put too much lemon juice in though as its a bit on the sour side today.
I'm having a lovely day so far. I had work 8am til 12pm which was actually quite enjoyable, then I went to meet my guy for lunch in the park - which was also really really nice. It's such a lovely day out. Then I walked him back to work and came home.
Aww what did you get upto wils? :biggrin: