Awws, thankies everubddy

on a totally random note is that a shuckle?? As in the pokémon??
Started back at work today cos my quack doctor wouldn't sign me off. Smurls, i kno just how you feel. Guy didn't listen to a word i said and then decided, and i quote; "The steroids should kick in before tomorrow, so it won't be much of a problem, it may even help you."
THAT was the bit where i pointed out it's job-related stress that's made me have two breakdowns since i started there in Februray...
So yeah, work today. Turns out the store bitch, who quit two weeks ago, had come in on the day i was off and asked for her job back. So bhoy did I get a surprise when i saw her there today.
Still, that's enough moaning...
fjp, MadTv is awesome hehe it totally undid all the damage Andy Dick did to my estimaiton of the stateside sense of humour...
big love to y'all
