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Joined: Oct 2002
I'm a : Gay Man in a Monogamous Gay Relationship
OMG poor Smurls... hope you manage to catch up on your beauty sleep later!
If it happens again... leave out an open jam sandwich... get a pet frog/lizard or start practicing the chop stick manouvres from the Karate Kid!
Tonight I'm just chilling all on my lonesome... bit spooky... there's thunder and lightning outside and keep hearing other strange noises about the house!
Note: No trees were destroyed in the sending of this contaminant free message. However, I do concede, a significant number of electrons may have been inconvenienced.
tired but lively lol weird combination i have got going there! :biggrin:
busy busy busy
got a call from a neighbor... he is a pre-opp M to F. A nice human but I just dont have the energy to deal... saved by the bell as my social worker came over... went down the block to pick up the mower from a small repair and brought it back... really HOT outside but found myself with some extra energy and finally got my own lawn done... there were some areas of really high grass...
came back in & got a call from a company where I was accepted for a new product tester... hehehe - of course, all top secret - hehehe... arrives tomorrow morn...
just turned Midnite and munching on some watermelon, yummy.
I'm sound today actually - much less tired than I have been over the past few days ... had THE most amazing meal with one of my best mates (Peter) last night - it was just perfect, and we both really enjoyed ourselves ...
... and then we came back to mine and I helped him with some stuff that he needed to get sorted out, before dropping him off at his place just after midnight.
PERFECT evening.
... and because I catnapped yesterday when I got home from work, I don't feel tired at all, which is GREAT :biggrin:.
Hope you all have an amazing day !!
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
YAY baby shadow, glad you had a good evening :biggrin:
Thanks for the all the hugs etc. guys, I had a MUCH better night's sleep last night. In fact I was in bed by 12.30 and didn't get up til 10.30 :redface:
Although I was up at 8 replying to texts to Ian til he got to work at 8.30... but yeah, was a lovely night's sleep.
Went for a meal last night with Ian and couple of my mates and then we ent to see the x-files movie? It's not very... paranormal apart from use of a psychic? I thought the storyline was rather shit to be honest... taboo but shit hehe. But it was a good evening. And then there was a huge electrical storm and my sweet guy had to drive in it... I could tell he was nervous bless him!!
Frank > woop!! watermelon!! :biggrin: I've been buying them pre-sliced over here. yum yum yum!
Phil> OMG that would freak me out!! I'd think someone broke in in the night and tried to kill me or something!! I remember being sick in the night when I was younger, but not knowing and waking up with it all over my face and everywhere... it really wasn't nice at all *feels sick just thinking about it*
Andy> awww thanks :biggrin: I lurve storms :biggrin: We got a bit of storm too all the way over here, they look so purdy from the inside... but damn scary driving in them!
looking forward to this weekend! Although I hope I don't get too smashed lol :biggrin:
Well work was a stress today. I feel like a brokem record saying that. Oh well...
On the plus side i come off the meds tomorrow :biggrin::biggrin: Bang on time for my friend's 21st on saturday!!
And i'm MEGA EXCITED as i'm FINALLY getting my tattoo tomorrow:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: