Definitely get that checked out Lil.
I'm looking forward to this afternoon.
I'm feeling fine right now. I'm off to see my BF tomorrow night and I'm all excited! I hope I can sleep.
I hate when my relatives in Shanghai call mum.
My stupid aunt with the gambling problem is ruining everything.
Because China doesn't have help for problem gamblers, its inaccessible enough through social confines and other issues, she's just being such a burden on everybody.
They just don't see mental health as a real thing.
She refuses to go to the doctor. Mum and I from a western standpoint see it as one of the first things to do, but keeping it under wraps is the first priority for her.
Everybody just wants her in jail, at least then she'd stop ruining everybody's lives. I think at this point, constant 24/7 supervision is the only answer.
My poor cousin has to bear the weight of her mother's disgusting sickness. Her boyfriend is so nice, supporting her through all this. He basically was our travel guide when we visited last January, and my aunt still hates him because 'he's ugly'. He's not even ugly.
I'm so sick of family relations, sometimes I just want to be my own family.
But then again, I feel bad for not doing anything, and not making things better last year when I was visiting. I was having travel health problems the whole trip and having mood swings every hour. At this point I don't want even want to be buried in the family plot in Suzhou. I don't want mum to be either.