The sun is shining again? *scratches head* I'm confused!!! (dot com)
Sore eyes... and a little miffed too.
Just starting the day... got my first cuppajoe and a tiny snack... really cool today and all kind of things are achy, LOL. getting cuppajoe two and waiting for the matey.
TWIMC: you work way too much. MWAH.
Glad I didnt post my vent earlier... probably would have been thrown off for use of profanity!!!
I cut about five lawns around the neighborhood. My dad has been cutting grass for elderly neighbors forever and I joined him from the time I could push a mower. We mostly do it to help people out. Charge them dirt cheap wages and do a fantastic job. I put my heart into everything I do - I know it is so stupid...
I started doing one and another comes out. I had finished her lawn three days ago. I went over to collect my fee and she starts on me... what a horrible job I did. My jaw just dropped.
First I hate this job. She hasnt given us a raise in four years - I mean, gas has gone up more than double and I use a full mowers tank on her lawn. I asked for a tiny raise and she got soooo upset. I should have just quit then. Everytime I do her lawn I just hate every second but I still force myself to do a perfect job.
So I explain why her lawn looks the way it looks in a professional voice and she just keeps going on and on about what a horrid job I did. The final thing she said was "I am going to teach you how to mow grass". I couldnt help it and giggled in her face!
Dont know why I let myself get sooo angry. So I finally get my dad on the phone and tell him what went down. Now get this, just the other day, while he was trimming, she came out and said that I had done a great job. I guess she has alzheimer and forgot that she was happy with the work just a day ago...
sorry for the stupid vent UGH
:frown: I will cut her lawn... gotta put steak on the table :frown: