very horrible day i am very sad.:frown:
It is 11.25am and my day is already horrendously shit.
I made a mistake at work yesterday and my boss is seriously shitting on me for it. Now lets bear in mind that so far this week I have worked
Monday - 10.5hours
Tuesday - off
Wednesday - 13 hours
Thursday - 12.5hours
Friday - 13 hours
So thats 49 hours already before today (where I started at 6.30 and won't finish til at least midnight) and tomorrow.
So I think a mistake, which no-one else pointed out I was making, even the ones who watched me do it (not trying to pass off blame, just making situation clear) is allowed. Have owned up to the mistake, apologised profusely and have had a thorough bollocking, however this bollocking seems to be destined to continue for a looooooong time.
To add to that, this morning I have had a minor Asthma attack - but hardly think the rest of the day off to recover is likely!! Plus my mum, who is usually 200 miles away, is down to stay for the weekend with my aunt (3 miles up the road) but I won't get to see her cos we are so busy.
Now don't get me wrong, I love my job and for the most part my boss is pretty decent to work with (for those of u who know about my job I am talking about my proper boss not the supervisor) but I wasn't aware that I had to be robotically perfect during a super busy week and that I needed a fully operational crystal ball.
SO for today, I am shit.
*hugs BiPenny*
That's crap babe - why not point out the insane amount of hours you've already worked ?? It's bound to take its toll and, as you say, nobody even tried to point out that you were doing (whatever it was) wrong ...
My day is going well so far - had a lie-in and, whilst the weather's looking rather grim, I don't have to go outside AT ALL today so nyer !! Lol.
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
My boss has threatened to fire me over this:mad:
Still feel shit, tryinn 2 sleep but cant:mad:
I sure hope it works out Penny. Its very stressful to try to do your job perfectly when the threat of being fired looms overhead... I personally wouldn't put up with it.
My stupid ass somehow forgot that it was Arbor Week so I didn't plant a tree this year what I did though was to declare today "No car day".Walked to town,walked to the mall and walked to the rec centre.Still feeling a little guilty though.Got loads of work to do now.