Today, my body and mental health feels like i ve got a major improvement. getting through a break up takes a long time for me. I ll probably still be going on about it or another 2-3 months before i really start letting go.
At least I ve made a step in the right direction, oh and my mom and my aunt are going to be visiting for a week! They will be here on thursday, so i m excited or that!
Once again I woke up in the middle of the night, I can't sleep and I'm bored and lonely.
Had an okay Birthday..
Started off normal then mom, dad, and bro surprised me with
a dinner out. So that was nice of them :]
I don't know why or how I'm still up this late since I haven't
had a a drop of caffeine in me, but bleh.. will prob go to bed
I didn't get a Happy Birthday wish from someone who I was
sort of waiting on to say it via text or by sending me a cute Snapchat
pic, but nothing.. So I feel a bit bummed about that, but I know I really
Anyways, hoping that 26 will bring new things. New job/career, new
surroundings, new places and things to see and do. And hopefully, just
hopefully someone to share it all with... bla bla bla cheezeeeeee xP
^ Always nice to be Ppreciated by family!
I freaked out a few hours ago because I had intende testicular pain localised on the left side and radiating to the abdomen. I thought it was a torsion which would have been an emergency but the pain stopped and there was no swelling so lucky that.
Taking it slow! Just found out that my mother finalized moving in with her current boyfriend. Hurray! Well, I will be moving to Ottawa now! I will miss you Toronto! and all your glorious back alley comic shops!