Im really tired. but I cant seem to fall asleep. Also there are so many cute guys at my work that its driving me insane.
Caught a cold and feel like shit. Had a few drinks and took some meds.
Good nights sleep is at hand.
Taking the day off tomorrow, I think I have an ingrown nail that has swollen my middle finger, and some of the infection came out tonight. so going to the clinic in the morning hurray...
Today, was just another day to get through...
Its going to be another long day at the hospital... yesterday I had to hand feed my older brother because he couldn't feed himself.. I need a drink, hopefully he will get better soon
Since I'm here I'm not going out a lot with my friends (my usual group) cause even if I'm happy of spending my time with them the organization to do every little thing is always a little upsetting.
Everytime there is someone who make 'the precious one' or wants to complain for something etc.
Very normal, obviously when you're in a group, was the same in the past years, but since I came back to Italy I find this behavior too much silly and immature.
And in some way very italian, very lazy.
This week there's the biggest event of the year, with dozens of party and events, things to do, and everyone is like 'Ok, we should go' and then 'Nope, maybe tomo, maybe another time etc...' Why? I wanted to go, so maybe I'll go tomorrow alone, isn't a problem for me.
Ok, I have my life, if you want me, or need me, you only have to call...
I'm feel like I was far from here. I always felt this thing. This place was a prison and is actually a prison. I love my friend, but since I was literally far from here... ... ...
hung over, what else is new
walking home from the pharmacy today, a creepy guy in his 40s yelled at me "your cute"... oh living in the village lol