I guess I have abused the holiday season and the good food and fun... and I don't know why I caught this stupid cold but it's draining. Anyway, a lot of rest and since it's snowing hard outside, stay indoors as much as possible and do as little as possible to get my head back straight... I mean out of cotton wool. I hate having colds they are a bloody nuisance, and no one has found a good cure for them yet. alas.
Tell you all about school if I go in the morning.
Have not been down or out of the flat (apartment) since New Year and now it's so cold and having had a nasty cold to fight off, I've not ventured even downstairs to see what's awaiting in the letter box. No doubt will get around to it today. I've stashed just about enough vitamin C and headache killers (paracetamol) to last me until today; after that, I'd better get some more for the next bouts of fever. Some would laugh at my pharmacopoeia which will include anything from oligoelements (copper, gold and silver to stave off infections) to acupressure, to Chinese medicine (ran out of that one, which would have been handy to have) and vitamines and the proper food...
No such thing as proper rest though, when you're feeling down.
Or maybe someone's magic wand, Frankie pie... lol. I must run down to see if the card's arrived. See you soon.