Hey guys. My name is Andrew, I am a closeted gay man, looking for some help. Since I am closeted, nobody knows that I am gay, and I have nobody to talk to regarding this subject. So I was hoping that perhaps I could talk to all you people on this form who are willing to understand me. I don't know why, but I just want to talk about this, and "gossip" I guess.
So anyways, there is this boy in my class, Ben. Oh my god, I just get tingles thinking about him. He is so beautiful, so kind, and I just want to think about him all the time. Honestly, I don't know if he is gay, he acts like he is, and his mannerisms around other men seem to point in the gay direction, but one can never be sure. Anyways, he is so amazing. The instant I saw him, I had never felt the feeling I had. It must be like what romeo had felt when he saw juliet. (only this time it was romeo and romeus.) His smile, his eyes, his body. His behavior, his attitude towards thing, everything about him is so perfect. I could go on forever.
I am not really asking for help, but, just like I talk with my friends about things, I want to have someone to talk to about this. I guess in a sense I want to be asked questions, and I want you guys to tell me stories pertaining to it, and just as if it were a conversation between my friends. (Only, I can't talk about a boy to my friends, because, well, I am still closeted.)
So thats that. I seriously could go on all day. I think about him so much, all the time. I have crushed on people before, but this is, this is, true love. I'm sorry, I know I sound so cheesy, but seriously, I need to stop, I am getting lightheaded just thinking about him.
absolutely ~
feel free to join the chatroom for conversations . or PM people on here
unfortunately , the only way you'd be able to know for sure if ben is gay is if you ask him . i know many straight men who have "gay" mannerisms ... so his word is the only way you'll know ~~
Sure! Just join the chatroom and people will probably give you a nice welcome!
It's not cheesy to talk about love  Your post made me smile. Welcome to the forum
You will have to have at least 20 posts to send PMs or 50 to join the chatroom. To get this number of posts quickly, join the Word games section.
Nick9 Wrote:It's not cheesy to talk about love Your post made me smile. Welcome to the forum
You will have to have at least 20 posts to send PMs or 50 to join the chatroom. To get this number of posts quickly, join the Word games section.
i don't think you need any posts to join the chat room ~
i've seen totally new members in there who have 0 posts ...
megumidesu Wrote:i don't think you need any posts to join the chat room ~
i've seen totally new members in there who have 0 posts ...
That's nice then. I remember there were new features available for me when I reached 50 posts. I thought the chatroom was one of them.
Nick9 Wrote:That's nice then. I remember there were new features available for me when I reached 50 posts. I thought the chatroom was one of them.
i think the chat box thing (the one at the top of the main forums page) becomes available at 50 posts ~~
and possibly the IM thing too ~
G Day Andrew and welcome to Gayspeak
Hi and welcome Andrew!
Whatever you want to talk about, you can create a thread, ask people to PM you, or go into the chat room.
As for your crush....well, this is called "puppy love".
It can be fun, and it can be a huge let down.
You have to be careful to guard your feelings, and learn how to control your emotions so you dont get upset when things dont go your way.....or do go your way.
There was a guy in my high school (way back when) who was petite and a little "girly". Everybody thought we was gay and was teased all the time. This guy had to wear Missy sized jeans because they didnt have jeans made for petite men then. So that made it even worse.
But he had a girlfriend. They dated all through high school and wanted to go to college together and then get married. So, just because a guy may be "girly", flamboyant, or "faggie", doenst mean he's "a family member".
I too have fallen for goodlooking guys in school, but you have to keep telling yourself that looks arent everything, especially because you dont know anything about him.
You also have to understand that ALL people act differently at school and work, than they act at home and in private. Some people may be super nice at work or school and total bastards at home or outside of school or work.
Ive worked with some guys who seemed to be the epitamy of the perfect man at work, but found out when they get home, they are wife beaters, drunks, and drug addicts. But you would never know that from the alternate personality they have in public.
Just remember these steps when meeting people, regardless of what kind of realtionship you expect from the other person:
1. Everybody thinks and acts differently. What you might conceive as a gesture of a personal nature, might be just a passing "hello" gesture from the other person.
2. Dont take everything that is said literally. Being a teenager you know how things can get "picked up" on the wrong way.
3. If you think you like someone, say Hi to them. If they want to talk to you, they will, if not, then you have your answer on if they are interested in you or not. If they do talk to you, dont go nuts with it, retain your dignity and conversation skills. Become friends first, get to know each other, NEVER jump into anything.
4. Nobody is perfect. Dont expect someone you like to be perfect in every way. Everybody has flaws, and friends work around those.
5. Dont take the hate. If things dont work out, they dont work out. Leave it alone and dont persue any "patch ups". Teens can be aggressively hateful. Its one thing if you have an arguement, its another to take abuse.
6. When in doubt, ask. In order to get an answer, you have to ask the question. Simple as that.
There are many ways to ask a question to get the answer though. Sometimes its direct, sometimes being vague works. You have to judge this by the person in question.
Hope that helps.