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Feminism and hatred towards feminism
KawaiiKitty Wrote:Again I dont understand why you are trying to FORCE me to change my opinion or to even have to clarify my opinion.

I don't understand why you are trying to FORCE others to change their lifestyle. Get over it, bro. You still aren't any better than they are. In fact, you are acting pretty pathetic.

SolemnBoy Wrote:As for women (or men really but this discussion seems to be about women only...) dressing in sexy or provocative ways: has the thought ever occurred to you that they might

A. Simply like the way they look in said clothing
B. Dress sexily because they're looking for a one-night-stand. OF THEIR CHOICE.

There are occasions and places where it would be simply inappropriate to dress revealingly but seriously, if a woman is going to a bar or a club she chooses how much of her body she wants to expose. It's her decision and even focusing on what you call "victim ignorance" in rape cases is stupid. I'm getting deranged visions of further additions to sex ed class. After they've learned about concom usage and sex positions the girls are taken to a separate room where they're told to always dress in a modest fashion so they won't get raped in the future.

I never said that women or men should even dress modestly. Most people can dress very very sexily without showing off everything they were born with. Short dresses are fine even low cut dresses are fine. When I can make out the lips of your vajayjay through your clothes and the color of your nipples and the start of the slit of your buttcrack its probably time to rethink your freaking wardrobe. Its the same with men too.(just so I dont get accused of being sexist on top of everything else!) I dont care to see your ass hanging out the back of your low riding trousers/jeans. Its not attractive or flattering in the least.

And just because you can do something does it mean you always should? I can go drink bleach, but should I? Its great they think its sexy to wear that thing that reveals everything on their body but save it for when you do find a ltr or when you have a one night stand. I dont need/want to see it plus it projects a very poor image of yourself to dress in such a poor manner.

VileKyle Wrote:I don't understand why you are trying to FORCE others to change their lifestyle. Get over it, bro. You still aren't any better than they are. In fact, you are acting pretty pathetic.

who said I am trying to get anyone to change? This is a debate, I am stating my opinion. I could give a flying fuck if anyone changes because of what I say or dont say.

KawaiiKitty Wrote:who said I am trying to get anyone to change? This is a debate, I am stating my opinion. I could give a flying fuck if anyone changes because of what I say or dont say.

Yes, this is a debate. Thank you for recognizing that for once instead of trying to rely on the "it's just my opinion/stop trying to change my opinion" excuse. Now that you are admitting to being part of a debate, you can no longer use that, so thank you.

Now since this is a debate, please explain exactly how responsible people in open relationships can cause any harm? And by responsible, I mean people who are honest about their open relationships, have agreements with their partners, and use protection.

SolemnBoy Wrote:Oh but in the end it's just a matter of responsibility! From the very beginning what we were dicussing was responsible promiscuity, in other words, not the kind that spreads deadly STD's and ruins families. And obviously your opinion isn't going to hurt anyone, but when an opinion comes with so many unfounded and illogical implications, people are going to try and change it. You can't say "people who drink regularly are bad because there are alcoholics who ruin families" because drinking regularly, depending on how it's done, isn't the same as alcoholism. Similarly you can't say "people who sleep with a lot of people are bad because there are people who cheat and spread STD's due to their promiscuity" - this is why your generalized statements don't sit well with so many people. You're taking a certain behaviour and bashing it for its potential negative IRRESPONSIBLE outcome whereas lots of people manage to deal with it just fine.

Although honestly, the reason I'm even responding despite how stupid it must make me look to everyone else, is simply that you called me disrespectful towards myself and in your eyes an inferior human being. I don't get why saying "it's just an opinion" would redeem that. "I believe in racial segregation" is also "just" an opinion - it doesn't mean it can't be questioned. It seems like you so far have been unable to actually explain why promiscuous people are bad. You've brought up STD's, the destruction of families and cheating which are all examples of irresponsible promiscuity. You have yet to explain why responsible promiscuity is so despicable and worthy of your contempt.

Oh and also, I'm pissed at your opinion not you. I disagree with the mean, unnecessary things people have been saying to you KawaiiKitty.

I can say that because condoms break ALL the time and then you are exposed even without knowing it. its 10000000x more safe to be in a committed relationship with someone you love then taking your chances bed hopping every night that you wont get someone who is disease ridden and your protection fails. Plus condoms are not an end all be all of protection either. Condoms dont protect you from certain stds like HPV, genital warts, and herpes. I know with genital warts there is no cure for that, you have it for the rest of your life. So basically if you go bed hopping and you catch something you have to have "that" conversation with every other partner you will ever engage in sex with if you want to be a responsible person.

Noone can provide examples of "responsible promiscuity" because promiscuity is inherently risky. Every time you have sex with yet another partner you run the risk of basically ruining your life. Thats like asking me to tell you how to safely run out in the middle of a highway and play in traffic.

VileKyle Wrote:Yes, this is a debate. Thank you for recognizing that for once instead of trying to rely on the "it's just my opinion/stop trying to change my opinion" excuse. Now that you are admitting to being part of a debate, you can no longer use that, so thank you.

Now since this is a debate, please explain exactly how responsible people in open relationships can cause any harm? And by responsible, I mean people who are honest about their open relationships, have agreements with their partners, and use protection.

even if this is a debate we're still debating my opinion so I can still use that its my opinion because thats what it is. lol

and I answered the second part of your post above.

KawaiiKitty Wrote:I can say that because condoms break ALL the time and then you are exposed even without knowing it. its 10000000x more safe to be in a committed relationship with someone you love then taking your chances bed hopping every night that you wont get someone who is disease ridden and your protection fails. Plus condoms are not an end all be all of protection either. Condoms dont protect you from certain stds like HPV, genital warts, and herpes. I know with genital warts there is no cure for that, you have it for the rest of your life. So basically if you go bed hopping and you catch something you have to have "that" conversation with every other partner you will ever engage in sex with if you want to be a responsible person.

Noone can provide examples of "responsible promiscuity" because promiscuity is inherently risky. Every time you have sex with yet another partner you run the risk of basically ruining your life. Thats like asking me to tell you how to safely run out in the middle of a highway and play in traffic.

Again, that's still irresponsible and ignorant use of protection. Smarter use of protection reduces the chances of issues. You can also have protection fail on you with your single partner, causing plenty of problems as well. People can also test themselves for STDs, completely negating that whole issue until they take care of that problem. There are many responsible ways to stop all of the issues you have. They also still aren't ruining your life at all, so stop trying to ruin theirs.

KawaiiKitty Wrote:even if this is a debate we're still debating my opinion so I can still use that its my opinion because thats what it is. lol

Yes, and we have the right to speak out against your opinion. Thank you for recognizing that as well. Now you have even less reason to use the "my opinion is being attacked" excuse. You're putting your opinion into a debate, so stop whining about it.

Well yeah, you can never be 100% safe unless you turn to celibacy. However, if you're responsible and protected, the chances are pretty low you'll catch something even if you're promiscuous. Even if that did happen, chances are you'll detect it quickly (responsibility, once again) and start curing it. Even if it happened to be a certain type of STD which lasts a lot longer or even permanently YOU'RE the only victim. You've done something relatively safe but that nonetheless has a chance of harming you and it did. However, since you're responsible you'll keep treating it to at least improve your condition and make sure not to spread it to anyone else. This is like the worst-case scenario and even there the only victim is the person himself.

Smoking is bad for you but nobody's claiming that smokers are inferior people because it's generally agreed upon that it's okay to know something might have a bad outcome for you but still accept it. It's part of adulthood and it's part of life. The same applies to people who drink and people who eat lots of unhealthy food. What they're doing is bad for THEM but not for anyone else. They know that and they have presumably accepted it. Smokers obviously derive some pleasure or calmness from their cigarettes, same goes for people who drink, people who eat lots of unhealthy food get pleasure from the taste and promiscuous people get pleasure from sex with different persons. Irresponsible smokers bother others with their fumes, irresponsible drinkers become alcoholics which is obviously harmful to their loved ones, people who eat irresponsibly die an early death and people who are promiscuous irresponsibly contract STD's and might even spread them to other people. RESPONSIBILITY is the key.

May I just ask if you think that I'm less worthy of respect than you are? That I'm an inferior human being? I mean, it's basically what you've been saying all laong but I'd like to see what your response is to a specific individual.

SolemnBoy Wrote:Well yeah, you can never be 100% safe unless you turn to celibacy. However, if you're responsible and protected, the chances are pretty low you'll catch something even if you're promiscuous. Even if that did happen, chances are you'll detect it quickly (responsibility, once again) and start curing it. Even if it happened to be a certain type of STD which lasts a lot longer or even permanently YOU'RE the only victim. You've done something relatively safe but that nonetheless has a chance of harming you and it did. However, since you're responsible you'll keep treating it to at least improve your condition and make sure not to spread it to anyone else. This is like the worst-case scenario and even there the only victim is the person himself.

Smoking is bad for you but nobody's claiming that smokers are inferior people because it's generally agreed upon that it's okay to know something might have a bad outcome for you but still accept it. It's part of adulthood and it's part of life. The same applies to people who drink and people who eat lots of unhealthy food. What they're doing is bad for THEM but not for anyone else. They know that and they have presumably accepted it. Smokers obviously derive some pleasure or calmness from their cigarettes, same goes for people who drink, people who eat lots of unhealthy food get pleasure from the taste and promiscuous people get pleasure from sex with different persons. Irresponsible smokers bother others with their fumes, irresponsible drinkers become alcoholics which is obviously harmful to their loved ones, people who eat irresponsibly die an early death and people who are promiscuous irresponsibly contract STD's and might even spread them to other people. RESPONSIBILITY is the key.

May I just ask if you think that I'm less worthy of respect than you are? That I'm an inferior human being? I mean, it's basically what you've been saying all laong but I'd like to see what your response is to a specific individual.

People pass along STD's without knowing it all the time just because they rely on condoms to keep them safe. Like I said they dont work all the time. To me its like playing russian roulette. With a dedicated partner youre playing with only one bullet in the gun which reduces your chances significantly. If you bed hop for years its like you are fully loading the gun just asking to be shot. You and the people you have sex with are still taking that risk. When you sleep with someone you are basically sleeping with everyone they have ever slept with and vice versa.

I dont know if I would go as far to say inferior human being. Those were your words not mine. I would have far less respect for you if I knew that you slept around or let your partner sleep around as opposed to if you didnt. Thats because it would seem to me that you dont have much respect for yourself in the first place. If you dont respect yourself enough why should anyone else?

KawaiiKitty Wrote:I would have far less respect for you if I knew that you slept around or let your partner sleep around as opposed to if you didnt. Thats because it would seem to me that you dont have much respect for yourself in the first place. If you dont respect yourself enough why should anyone else?

Except he does respect himself and that's obvious in the way he's presenting himself. He just has a different lifestyle than you do (how many time do I have to repeat that?). You're insulting him without knowing it, and that is the main problem here. You may not be attracted to it, but not giving people respect because they have different beliefs is really fucked up. You sound like a religious oppressor here.

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