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I own an e reader but books are still the best. The feel of a book in your hand is a good feeling, turning the pages and getting lost in the book your reading.
An eye for an eye
The #1 reason why I prefer ebooks over paper is space. I simply don't have enough space at home for all the books I want. To me, ebooks were a God's send.
I use a few e-book since 8(?) years or a similar time, but I also continue reading paperbook. I want to buy a Kindle, and I hope that in the future the ebook reader will spread more and more, also for an ecological reason.
Paperbook are very good,but the convenience of ebooks and ebookreaders is evident.
I'm paper all the way too, its just not the same curling up with an electronic device. When books become obsolete they'll become cheaper so more for me.
One thing I'll give to paper is that it has a certain special intimacy to it. Our library archives have a velum manuscript from the middle ages that has a certain sour smell and aura to it because of its age. And there have been a few occasions I've managed to get my hands on a 2nd Folio Shakespeare and there's something special about that which an ebook will never be able to replicate; the sense that generations of people have handled and experienced these artifacts before you and protected them for the sake of posterity.
I have used a kindle DX now for some years. I will never go back to books. They now feel clumpsy, they are heavy, takes so much more effort.
It took me about 20 books on the Kindle to get comfortable. Now I love it
There's nothing like the smell and atmosphere of a book shop.
A few years ago someone disposed of many books of mine without my knowledge or consent. Some were from the 1800's, presents from friends and family and were signed with messages. An e-book will never compensate.