i dont like horrible peple. and to big willys and to big muscels just abit muscles.to big.
Spellbound Wrote:I think it's a fallacy to compare being obese with being gay and saying that neither is a choice. Being gay is something that you can't change, whereas if you stop cramming your mouth with 5000 calories of junk food a day it will help you to get back to a normal weight.
My point stands; why should I pay taxes to fix your self-induced problem? Go pay for it yourself.
Did you ever sit next to an obese person in economy class, and have it overflow? Some airlines are making them buy 2 seat now, if they can't fit into one, and quite correct too.
I guess some people on here are of the opinion that they can't control their behaviour; well, they'd better learn to do so.
Being gay is not a choice,but being obese is not a choice as well for some people. My friend got it from his parent,making it hereditary. Sure,it could be because of the life style of his family,but maybe medically it is really gene,I'm not an expert. Saying you could just stop taking 5000 calories of junk food is as ignorant as saying gay could be cured. If people could easily do it,there won't be any obese in the world,same as if anorexic people could just eat that much,there won't be any anorexic,but it's not that easy,and it's case by case basis,you can't judge obese people as a whole like that.
As for obese being a turn off,it's nothing new and not something that could be helped. Maybe your end of sentence 'yuck' was a lil bit insensitive there,could be just me.
I hope I'm not being rude by pointing this out,sorry for any offense.
VileKyle Wrote:It's not a lifestyle that people can't help like sexual preference.
That's a bit rash Kyle. It is indeed a life style that some couldn't help about it. Being one,I feel like I'm losing myself every time I tried to get healthier. It's like,people have known me for a binge eater,and all of a sudden they see me eating less and healthier,I'm afraid they'll stop recognizing me as the old me. Actually,when I was on diet,some people act like they couldn't believe I was dieting,like it's so not me or something,which made me feel like losing myself. Also I love my binge-eating self,I can't imagine I'm not being one just to get healthier. I know it's a bit ridiculous,but that's how I feel sometimes.
But of course I realize it's unhealthy,and I can't stay the same,so I'm trying to compensate for binge eating by exercising more,although that's another life style that's going to be a pain in the ass to change,but I hope I'll get through it.
mamza Wrote:That's a bit rash Kyle. It is indeed a life style that some couldn't help about it. Being one,I feel like I'm losing myself every time I tried to get healthier. It's like,people have known me for a binge eater,and all of a sudden they see me eating less and healthier,I'm afraid they'll stop recognizing me as the old me. Actually,when I was on diet,some people act like they couldn't believe I was dieting,like it's so not me or something,which made me feel like losing myself. Also I love my binge-eating self,I can't imagine I'm not being one just to get healthier. I know it's a bit ridiculous,but that's how I feel sometimes.
But of course I realize it's unhealthy,and I can't stay the same,so I'm trying to compensate for binge eating by exercising more,although that's another life style that's going to be a pain in the ass to change,but I hope I'll get through it.
I may be harsh in saying so, but that's not going to change. It's the same stance I take on smokers. Smoking is a lifestyle that is very difficult to quit. You still put yourself there by taking up that lifestyle. The only difference is that obesity is a less conscious choice. You may not know you are putting yourself in that addiction loop, but you are still doing it. It's hard to get out, but not impossible. Meanwhile, you are making yourself less healthy and less attractive in the process, much like smoking. I don't hate you for doing it, but you have to understand that I could never date someone like that. I stand by the "yuck" response.
Professional victims
People who take no responsibility for their role in anything
Sexual prudes
Whiny people
zbar Wrote:Professional victims
what's that ?
VileKyle Wrote:I may be harsh in saying so, but that's not going to change. It's the same stance I take on smokers. Smoking is a lifestyle that is very difficult to quit. You still put yourself there by taking up that lifestyle. The only difference is that obesity is a less conscious choice. You may not know you are putting yourself in that addiction loop, but you are still doing it. It's hard to get out, but not impossible. Meanwhile, you are making yourself less healthy and less attractive in the process, much like smoking. I don't hate you for doing it, but you have to understand that I could never date someone like that. I stand by the "yuck" response.
Well yeah,it is not impossible,and I understand why you won't date obese,but I still think 'yuck' is a strong word that express disgust.  :biggrin:
megumidesu Wrote:what's that ?
Someone who constantly complains about what happened "to" them and take no responsibility for their role in it. People who think their problems are all about other people and have nothing to do with them and their own choices. People who nail themselves to the proverbial cross at any given moment to illicit sympathy from other people. Psychic vampires.
mamza Wrote:Being one,I feel like I'm losing myself every time I tried to get healthier. It's like,people have known me for a binge eater,and all of a sudden they see me eating less and healthier,I'm afraid they'll stop recognizing me as the old me. Actually,when I was on diet,some people act like they couldn't believe I was dieting,like it's so not me or something,which made me feel like losing myself..
It's in your mind, and If the people stopp recognizing you as the old you then they are not the right people. D:
This has turned into an interesting thread.
First off, I said 'Yuck' to fat people in tight cycling shorts. They could have put on a loose pair of shorts over the top to make it less offensive.
The main point though is that people need to take control of their lives and not blame their parents or society or anyone else. We're all faced with choices and when we take the wrong ones we need to front-up and fix the problems. There are way too many victims who throw their hands up in air and say, 'Not my fault'. It may not be easy to fix, but it's fixable. I had a bad start to life but I made it anyway, and so can other people.