10-20-2013, 03:28 PM
Waylon777 Wrote:So try to make things sound neutral, and tell him like you are not interested in relationship right now.
And saying this will lead the guy to believe that he still has a chance maybe not today but when you get ready for a relationship.
I believe there is at least one new post today from a newbie who is under the impression that his love interest just needs a little more time to be 'The Guy' - most likely because the guy he is pursing said something like 'I'm not ready for a relationship right now' instead of saying 'I'm sorry, but I have no interest in you.'
If not today, then tomorrow that post will be posted....

Truth hurts - I'm sorry if no one likes that. But the truth is what is needed in these cases. If one does not have any interest in a person, one must make that perfectly clear.
No you do not need to laugh at the person and say 'I would never date a freak like you'...
But you need to make it clear that you have no interest in them and that there is no hope, no chance at an 'us'.