What a nightmare, Rob

I was under the impression that your b/f still lived with his wife and family, but since you say he is in his own place, I would want to think very carefully about priorities were I in your place. His are obviously with his family and I can fully understand that. My kids are all grown up, but Albert would never attempt to make me choose between him and them. However, staying in the closet was never an option for me once I was divorced. It made me very unwell and unhappy and it was absolutely the right decision for me to start living my life openly as a gay man. I'm sorry that your man cannot see this because while being gay may be difficult for him (for whatever reasons) you have a helluva complicated life already. His inability to be open is an added stress that I think must at some level add to your difficulties. The pattern of discussion, crying, indecision is not going to change any time soon, I suspect. He is clearly unwilling to make any further sacrifice for you, otherwise his problems would not be a dominating factor in your relationship. Is it possible that there is a co-dependency element to your relationship?
A lot of young people find a move to a city where they can be more open and at the same time anonymous themselves is actually liberating. If your sole support network consists of a man who can't leave a past life behind how many favours are you doing yourself by staying?
Since you are in council accommodation already it strikes me that you may have more freedom than many to move and make some changes. What would it cost you to go and have a word with the local housing officer, or whatever you have in the far north and enquire about the procedures for exploring a council exchange? Not more than a bus ride into town I expect. Years ago when I lived in council houses all housing offices kept a list of people who were looking to transfer into the area. If you could find someone in, for example, Edinburgh who wanted to swap it could work ... Bear in mind though that the grass is rarely greener elsewhere. It worries me that you've fallen out with your friends. Can you be sure that you would not just be taking your problems with you elsewhere if you moved?
Obviously you have to do the soul searching that has already been suggested by others. Sixteen year olds all round the world are considered old enough for most adult activities and you've certainly faced tough circumstances that have forced you already to deal with problems that are not the normal province of a sixteen year old in our kind of culture. If the problems with your family are beyond your present resources to repair what do you have to lose?
Moving to a new area will not solve all your problems, but it might enable you to slough off everyone else's expectations and offer you some wider opportunities for picking up your education again, finding a job, meeting and making some gay friends your own age, hooking up with a more effective and active local support network.
After you've thought about whether you can afford to do it you might also consider whether you can afford not to do it :confused:
Like I said earlier, this is a tough call whatever you do. Keep in touch and very best wishes as you work out your decisions. If you think we can help you know where we are.