Misfit Wrote:I've met someone recently but I'm disappointed. He's great, super super super nice, totally my type, but our conversations are a bit....dry...and I'm not sure what to do.
When it comes to a conversation, I'd like to say I'm 50/50. I'm told I'm a great listener, and while I prefer to listen I'm certainly not a dead weight. I can carry my weight in a conversation with critical thought, questions, opinions etc...I'm rarely one to sit there completely silent.
But when I talk to him over the phone there are these long periods of silence that make me very uncomfortable...I didn't mind it to much until I talked to this other guy over Christmas Eve, and we both talked so fluidly I couldn't help but notice the difference between the two.
Is this something I should be worried about? I don't know what to do. I'm not sure if he's just a bit shy over the phone...he talks...but there is just a strong lack of fluidity compared to other conversations I've had with other guys.
I don't know what to do. This guy is so-so-so nice. But I just can't be that constant conversation starter. It really comes from both people or one guy has to be an insane talker (which I can't really deal with too much either). I'm a good conversationalist but it seems to me that I'm doing the talking, asking the questions. I just don't want to lead him on and end up in a situation where I'm bored as hell because he never talks.
Does anyone have experience with men of small words? He is really the biggest sweetheart but our lack of conversation is extremely disappointing.
Are there relationships with people who have zero in common? Do I just turn to my friends to talk about the things I'm interested in?
No offense, but considering the problems I see here in relationships, this doesn't strike me as a real issue.
Quiet people are NICE, you get to a point where you can have full conversations with body language and minimal talking, and it's like you understand each other completely. The quiet that you experience with them becomes a comfortable and reassuring calm. They don't blatantly talk about nonsense, and they LISTEN TO YOU.
I am very quiet in person. I can be silly, I do talk, I enjoy deep conversations. But small talk? I am poor at. My role is generally listening. My boyfriend on the other hand talks, and talks, and talks, and talks some more, and most of it is incredibly silly.
And I like it. I get to listen without talking much (maybe laughing a lot though), and he gets someone that listens to him.
Someone quiet would have pros too though; I sometimes get tired of talking all of the time, so it's an equally acceptable trait for me. One of my best friends actually has an incredibly rare disorder that gives her anxiety so bad that her throat physically closes, and cannot talk most of the time -- and I get along with her well. It definitely makes her dirty sense of humour unexpected, when you suddenly realize that this shy little girl who never talks has a dirtier sense of humour than you'll ever have... and now that I know her well, her silence is comfortable.
Each relationship dynamic is different; but neither is bad, or wrong, and they can both work very well.
I just don't see it as an issue... there are pros and cons to quietness and loudness, but if you love a person and have things in common with them, how talkitive they are is not the issue.
Of course you can have a successful relationship with a quiet person.
Disclaimer: If he doesn't talk for weeks at a time I retract this post.