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I'm on a mission, not to save you, but to selfishly get gay guys in my church.
Yeah those who believe in god and those who are not are all equal...
Let there be peace Smile

@Jake It’s not important for gays to join. I flat out said that “I want more gay guys in my church” because the selection in my parish is a bit bad. The only gay guys in my parish are old men, and two of them are a couple. The title says that I’m not trying to save you, but I’m trying to selfishly get gay guys in my church.

I’m sure there are Episcopalians that believe “If you don’t go to this church, you go to hell,” or “If you’re not Christian, you go to hell,” but I disagree, and most of my parishioners disagree as well.

There was a guest priest that came to my parish to give a sermon. He had spent most of his life seeking out people who have had what we call “near death experiences” (where people pretty much die, but either come back to life or are resuscitated).

He sat down with over a hundred individuals who had a near death experience. Some of them didn’t remember anything at all about being dead, but a lot of them experienced something wonderful, and they all shared the common experience.

What they say they experienced is intriguing. They all went “up” and saw a review of their life (what Christians call Purgatory), and for every bad thing they did, they felt the pain that they inflicted (for example, if that person shot another individual, they suffered the emotional pain of all of the victim’s family, friends, town, etc.), but for every good thing they did (like feeding the poor, tipping a waitress $100) they feel the positive emotions they caused on the other people.

Some people went further than purgatory, and met other souls that have crossed on. The point was made that Christians believe that only Christians go to heaven, but these people he interviewed saw souls of people who weren’t religious, Christian, and people who didn’t believe in God or any afterlife at all.

This man wrote a book. I can’t remember the name of the book, but his name was Fr. John Price. The Episcopal Church tried stopping Fr. Price from publishing the book because it was a threat to the Church, because it pretty much goes against Christian doctrine. He published it later on when the church became more open-minded about it.

This book opened my eyes. I realized “There isn’t any right religion. It’s all just for self enlightenment.”

I have many atheist friends; in fact I’m dating one right now. I know I will see them in the after life, because if God loves everyone, well he has to love his non-believers too. My invitation to the Episcopal Church isn’t to help people find salvation, but for people who want to have fun and fellowship. I know church isn’t for everyone; my mother doesn’t believe in organized religion, so how can I not love her?

Heaven in my opinion is for people who live positive lives, while hell is for people who enjoy living negative lives, and inflicting harm on other individuals. I don’t know who goes to hell, for it’s not for me to judge (The Sandy Hooks killer may very well be in heaven).

@Bowyn Any secrets skeletons kept by the church will eventually be found, and be dealt with. As you can see, Pope Francis is cleaning out the Roman Catholic Church’s closet. If you’re looking for an apology from the church, you may never get one. If I experienced what you’ve experienced, and read what you’ve read, I’d probably be really pissed off about it too.

@HumbleTangerine I’m sorry if that statement “if you’d like to try Christianity again” upset you.

That was probably not the best way to word it, but I’d like to explain myself.

At one (closeted) time in my life, I felt like Christianity was against me, and that all Christians didn’t like me. I went to church with my grandmother (southern Baptist) and heard the preacher tell us everything that is a sin. Most of those things were things I was doing with or without my family’s knowledge, so inevitably I was going to hell. I told my self that Christianity is a load of crap, and like Cartman from South Park I was saying “Whateva! Whateva! I do what I want!”

Something bittersweet happened to me that is too upsetting for me to write out here, but I was given proof. I can’t show you that proof, but needless to say, I “tried Christianity again”.

@Partis I don’t believe everything Christian Doctrine says. On Sundays when we’re doing the readings, and The Gospel of The Lord, I don’t always agree with what’s said. When reading the bible, I find verses that I disagree with because being someone who is passionate about history, I take into consideration that the bible has most likely been amended and changed since it was first written. I believe that even though the bible may not be 100%, it’s the closest thing we have to God’s word. I’m sure God’s word is in other religions too, but Christians have chosen to ignore it, because it didn’t come from Christ. I consider that perhaps the entity we call the Holy Spirit has come to people of other religions to get us back on track.

Christ is just one man that was speaking for God. I don’t think he’s the only man, even though Christianity says otherwise.

I go to church because it’s fun, and enlightening to me. One day I hope to get married in the little parish I go to now, even if I marry an atheist.

HumbleTangerine and Southbiochem, I strongly disagree. There is no reason why we cannot discuss, debate, and argue about the existence of God. If you don't want to see it then stop clicking on this thread, simple as that.

There's no need to get rude and abusive, either. Calling someone else's belief or disbelief 'stupid' says more about your own ignorance and intolerance than anything else. (Except when it comes to Mormons and Scientologists. I have my limits.)

I have been in many churches, cathedrals and temples in many places. I have never felt judged there. I never believed that God hated me, and I have never felt like a sinner. As an atheist since my teens, I am more fascinated by the grip of religion on society than upset by it. In the 21st century, I hope we can take the kid gloves off and speak freely of God and religion, with all due respect.

my biggest problem is there no religious civil war, why don't other religions pick on other, christians fighting christians

Atheist here. I'll ask you what I ask anyone trying to convert me (happened a couple of times), Where is your evidence to suggest i should believe in your particular god?

The Bible as the singular reply to this is not a good answer. It is a +/- 2000 year old book, and nothing in it can be taken as factual, because there are no corroborative texts to back it up. Something outside the bible would be something we can debate upon though.

Geminize Wrote:HumbleTangerine and Southbiochem, I strongly disagree. There is no reason why we cannot discuss, debate, and argue about the existence of God. If you don't want to see it then stop clicking on this thread, simple as that.

There's no need to get rude and abusive, either. Calling someone else's belief or disbelief 'stupid' says more about your own ignorance and intolerance than anything else. (Except when it comes to Mormons and Scientologists. I have my limits.)

I have been in many churches, cathedrals and temples in many places. I have never felt judged there. I never believed that God hated me, and I have never felt like a sinner. As an atheist since my teens, I am more fascinated by the grip of religion on society than upset by it. In the 21st century, I hope we can take the kid gloves off and speak freely of God and religion, with all due respect.

First of all, I never said anything rude or abusive nor did I call any belief stupid.

Second of all, of course we can question, debate and argue about anything we please; religion included. It would be ridiculous to support the notion that religion somehow should remain undiscussed. My entire point was that peaceful threads dedicated to Christians shouldn't receive hateful comments from atheists and vice versa. You don't go into a church, mosque or synagogue as an atheist simply to say "you're all wrong". If you disagree you shouldn't really have gone there in the first place. This is just my opinion at the very least.

Christian thread spreading negativity or hatred - Question it
Religiously neutral/ambiguous thread created for discussion - Share your own view
Peaceful thread made SPECIFICALLY for Christians - don't post rude anti-religious comments.

Also, I am an atheist.

HumbleTangerine Wrote:First of all, I never said anything rude or abusive nor did I call any belief stupid.

Christian thread spreading negativity or hatred - Question it
Religiously neutral/ambiguous thread created for discussion - Share your own view
Peaceful thread made SPECIFICALLY for Christians - don't post rude anti-religious comments.

Sorry, I didn't write that very well. I didn't mean to accuse you or SBC of being rude or abusive. That was related to comments from others and the way religious threads usually go. I was just reacting to the idea that people shouldn't disagree with points made in a religious post.

Geminize Wrote:HumbleTangerine and Southbiochem, I strongly disagree. There is no reason why we cannot discuss, debate, and argue about the existence of God. If you don't want to see it then stop clicking on this thread, simple as that........

........says more about your own ignorance and intolerance than anything else

I was happy to see this thread go unoticed for many many hours............It did say after all for religious folks only, so I kept any comments to myself.....and then when I thought there was hope that it would go away like that...somebody had to post....

as you can see...debacle started....and that's why you cannot start an arguement to the existence of God....to me there is no such thing....to others there is...and those to views will never be reconciled..

and for the record...starting a thread to recruit people to a church is not equal to arguing about the existence of a deity..

been in pretty churches with lovely folks? good for you...it does not work that way in most places and certainly not here where I live....and most certainly not in the Middle East and Central Asia where folks like you and me would be hanged..

thanks for calling me ignorant, I'll be sure to tell the Administrative staff of my college that they were wrong in handing me a Biochemistry degree..

I believe if something is so good, you don't need to advertise, preach, beg people to join.

As a result of your efforts to be inclusive, you have actually alienated the people you supposedly want to embrace.

Episcopalian94 Wrote:Thank you for reading this. If you disagree with what I have posted here, please don't comment back trying to start a religious debate or argument (in other words "being an asshole"). I understand we all have differences in opinion, but this message is for people who want to practice Christianity without going to a church of hate. Sadly that's what most of Christianity has become. The new pope Francis calls it an illness, and I completely agree.

You knew thast this was going to cause debate yet you decided to preach anyway?

and then YOU call those who disagree with you assholes?

I'm so attracted to you lifestyle right now that it is no longer funny.

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