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H.O.P.E (homosexuals opposed to pride extremism)
Quote:Why does the whole world want to see them getting married on a giant float…

At the pride in manchester (when there wasn't naked men dancing on top of a double decker bus) there was like a 17yo kid carrying a sign with "Im being bullied" on it.

I remember being bullied at school, the last thing I wanted to do was carry a sign in a parade. This kid probably got a facebook comment..

I dont know this kid, I dont know any of the personal lives of these people, whether there half naked or just looking self righteous and proud of themselves.

[COLOR="Blue"]Partis, I have to disagree there.

I was bullied a hell of a lot, hell, I get crap when I go to the store lol, but you know what, sometimes, all that bullying and pressure and hurt, can make a person either very introverted or reluctant to be seen/heard or the very opposite.

I suppose in my case I got the opposite, but I implore you to see the strength and power that 17 year old boy had in order to do what he did.

It's not self righteous or attention seeking or anything. It's a matter of self expression, which is the right of every person.

I get not everyone wants to see people procreating, or trying their damned hardest to on stage/ a float, but honestly, I have to stick to my previous statement, that it's not what their doing that is offensive, but what it is you don't find interesting that you take offense to.

[COLOR="Purple"]To draw a similar, but very different example;

I like Green, You like blue.

I act opposite to what you like, and so you associate all people who like green to be the same way or that the colour itself means something opposite to your ideals.

When in reality, it's not me or what I do/like that is offensive, but something you do not do/like that you take offense to.

For it to be offensive, I would have to basically tell you what you like/ do is wrong, etc and that all people who like colour blue are just this that and the other.[/COLOR]

I think that people fail to look at both sides of a coin more times then not and it baffles me.

I don't condone overt sexuality in the public necessarily, but I'm also not opposed to appreciating and understanding the freedom of expression in which way a person chooses to do so.

I'm perhaps a "liberal"

I just want to know why this type of thought is so prevalent?

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:I personally don't care if the actions of others leads to homosexuality being made illegal and a mandatory death sentence, or if it leads to yet one more wasted life beaten and hung on a fence to die. It is not MY actions that lead to that, so I have no guilt.

You are correct in stating (although sarcastically mocking my earlier posts on this thread) that it wasn't your actions that hypothetically lead to such things. Also understand that the thong-wearing queen gyrating on a float is no more to blame than you are for the consequences arising from homophobia.

The guilt lies within the homophobic person or government that lashes out against homosexuals. Not to mention, the lovely gift to Earth that is religion shaping small minds everywhere to hate and fear!

There weren't gay pride parades hundreds to thousands of years ago, yet laws were still passed, hetero-social "norms" set that people had to abide by, and homophobic people still killed, tortured, and oppressed homosexuals to extremes.

Funny how these situations still occur in the same manner today now that x-rated raunchy men dance on floats at gay pride parades, and funny how fear-mongering imbeciles still act out their secret desires through lashing out at what they can't have.... weird....

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:I would be less than humane if I allowed such activities lead to such connections by others in my group, saying nothing does leave me with guilt.

You aren't allowing or preventing anything... fairies still fly, freaks still freak, and it still infuriates the religious and the ignorant. Your disapproval doesn't change anything.

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:I said my bit on the matter, the next person killed by a gang of bigots who view all fags as sexual deviants isn't because I failed to stop it.

And if a gang of homophobes, right before they were about to kick that faggots head in, converted to common sense and intelligence, learning to accept and embrace people of all kinds, no matter their sexualities, it surely wouldn't be because you somehow did achieve in stopping the half-naked tranny from wearing a jock-strap, and sticking a butt-plug in his ass at a gay pride parade.... you taming that freak on that parade float would have nothing to do with it.

Why don't you, instead of condemning the "sexual deviants" of the gay community, spend your time and energy condemning the fuck-tards who act out against them, and all of us for it? That would bring a better result IMO.

Your views are parallel, in some ways, to sadistic machismo-societal norms, when it comes to rape.

For example: the Muslim girl who takes off her hijab in public, or talks to a man that isn't her husband, or leaves the house against his will, then is raped and killed because of it. She deserved it right? Because she's a whore.. because that's what their society says of women who show even a slither of skin, due to thousands of years of reinforced perceptive. All women must always cover up their entire bodies because if they don't, they're obviously attempting to seduce all men for being so beautiful and irresistible, so treating them less than dogs, and more like property is completely justified, right? It's not the rapist's fault for his extremist views misinterpreted from his "holy" book of fairy-tales.

Regardless if it's right or wrong, the man is not held responsible, so no blame is placed upon him for refusing to keep his hormones in check, his erect penis in his pants, and his religious extremism to himself, consequently raping, then killing the girl. It's the fault of every women who's ever existed before her. Blame them.

Likewise, with the homophobe or government who fears a gay man's mere existence. His sexuality and "deviancy" must be eradicated or hidden at all costs, not to provoke god's will by the hand of the homophobe. He can't help himself in torturing and killing the faggot, since the go-go dancer on the float he saw in a 5 second clip, a few days earlier, on Faux News, accompanied by Bill O'reilly's commentary on how they're "all coming for your kids! Pushing their filthy gay agenda!"... it proved his prior suspicions instilled within him as a child, that all gay men are satanic sex maniacs, and now they threaten the well-being of his children, and the stability of his country.

Again, like with the rapist, he is not at fault. Nobody places blame on him for not having self control. I mean, he didn't thrust his thong back and forth on the float at the gay pride parade on TV, that faggot did! And since his small mind can't comprehend the bias on conservative TV news from reality, or that the fairy-tales in a book written over 2,000 years are just that: fairy-tales, butchering to death the gay couple next door can't be his fault! He holds no responsibility!

That thong-wearing provocateur dancing to "We Can't Stop" on a gay pride float is to blame!

It's all his fault for having homophobic parents that kicked him out at 15, where he grew up on the streets struggling to accept himself, all the way to where he is now: having an amazing time at a gay pride parade on his day off from work and school, struggling to survive in the capitalist country he calls home... it's his fault for the laws passed in Uganda, Nigeria, Russia, and so forth.... for the ancient laws in Iran, and other countries that practice Sharia Law.... Not the governments, the homophobes, or the ignoramus' that exist among us... they are free to bully, harass, torture, and murder all the gays they want... until, at least, the young man on the float at the gay pride parade obeys your call to get off that float, put some cloths on, and conform to the conservative, hetero-ideal that is "normal". Only then will the homophobic man who killed his gay neighbors be at fault, as would be the governments that oppress their gay citizens.... only then will attention and effort exist in condemning them.

I'm done.

Chase Wrote:It is time for a lesson in homosexuality by Jobe the homophobe!

Until next time, this has been Jobe the homophobe! Peace out.

Blowe Jobe?

Chase Wrote:It is time for a lesson in homosexuality by Jobe the homophobe!

Hi everybody, my name is Jobe. I consider myself a humble man who is much more righteous than most of the heathens these days. I am a very loving person and it breaks my heart to see that I am persecuted by the gay agenda and liberal media for my beliefs that homosexuals are abominations that should be imprisoned.
I want to explain to you why I, Jobe the homophobe, believes being a "homophobe" is a good thing. You see, us "homophobics" as the gay recruiters have labeled us as, do not have a phobia against homosexuals. It only frightens us that homosexuality has become rampant and we fear homosexuals are more prone to other wicked things like murder, rape, and other unspeakable things.
Let me help educate you on the behavior of the homosexual by comparing your typical "gay" to your typical average Joe:

Lenny is your average bloke. He has a wife, kids, and a house with a mortgage he works to pay off. Has a steady job. A good, righteous man.
Carl on the other hand, is a homosexual. He has an abomination he calls a marriage with another homosexual man. The heathens actually adopted children (makes me want to cry over how they are allowed to do this). His house may look like your typical Dick & Jane home, with a well kept lawn, garage, and tidy furniture, but mark my words, a Dick & Dick house has the most disgusting of sex acts that must be happening behind its closed doors (I don't even want to think about it). He has a job, probably had this secular law system force his employer to hire him. Probably took a mortgage he can't even afford. SICK!

Brandon is a man who lives a very humble life. Do to God cursing the economy because of its acceptance of homosexuality, Brandon is unemployed. But fear not, for the meek shall inherit the Earth. He is poor in this life because his reward is in heaven. He walks from town to town asking people to spare him a coin out of the love in their hearts. His clothes are rags, but he still keeps his head high. A good man.
Jack on the other hand, is a homosexual. From a young age he was seduced into the homosexual lifestyle, and has been cursed into a life of poverty ever since. If he had been straight, he would have been a hard working man. His perversion has reduced him to a beggar. His clothes reek a stench almost as foul as his perversion. tut tut tut

Pat is a man who has took the world for the taking! He has built a company from the ground up being the good straight boy that he is. From the top of the beautiful skyscraper he has erected, he has boosted the economy and given many hard working men jobs. He has earned millions, billions even, in his dedication. I can only hope my son is as successful as him one day.
Tim is a homosexual. He has sold his soul and the devil has built him a corporate empire at the cost sending his mind to reprobate homosexuality. The very building he has made his company headquarters in is a waste of resources. Millions employed by him are forced to have their bread & butter at the will of a homosexual deviant who plays God with their income. So wasteful is the decadence of the homosexual lifestyle that Tim hoards millions of dollars all to himself. Judgement will not be kind to him.

There are millions more of examples I can share with you, but I'd have to type you the Boston Library if I was to explain to you everything wrong with homosexuality and the homosexual lifestyle.
Until next time, this has been Jobe the homophobe! Peace out.

Thanks for posting this. It's a grim reminder of what we are up against.

Dreamer everything you said is SO spot on. And you said it sooooo eloquently i adore you.

This thread is kind of over now but:


She has an annoying voice. This thread was actually completely over.

HumbleTangerine Wrote:This thread is kind of over now but:

It should have stayed that way

I was just kind of happy to stumble upon the video I was trying to find when the thread was active. Also, yeah the debate had pretty much stagnated but one week since the last reply isn't that long. Just putting out what I believe to be a very eloquent and reasonable reflection, if you felt like this thread should have been left alone, don't click on it Tongue

I assume that those who think this thread is over won't be checking in, so since I've only just rejoined and this message may well end up in a moderation queue ...

Thanks to PA who has represented fairly my thoughts on Pride. I have attended a few over the years and I don't recognise the kind of orgy to which some people have referred. I'm clearly attending the wrong events. Through my work I have also taken part in a lot of local and national carnivals and street celebrations. At all events there are some people who tend toward being less inhibited. Pride is no exception. However, my experience has been that the great majority of participants are there for the event and not out to shock or offend. I have never dressed up for Pride until this year when PA decided we should make a bit of an effort for his first experience and he spent a lot of time designing and sewing our outfits.

Despite having recently passed legislation legalising marriage for same-sex couples the UK is not the universally safe haven some assume it to be. Homophobic bullying is still common in schools and in many places of work. There is a visible and vocal minority who are extremely well-organised and campaign to turn the clock back to the days when we are once more forced to become invisible. During the passage of the same-sex marriage bill through Parliament last year I felt it necessary to make several trips to London to be part of the vigils, marches, demonstrations, and counter-demonstrations because I am not prepared to take it for granted that we can't lose what we have gained. I was on the receiving end of some vile abuse by religiously motivated people who made the most preposterous and uninformed accusations. They were also trying to affect the outcome of discussions about MY life when in truth any outcome would have absolutely no repercussions for them.

Every day I see people walking down the street (or I would if I lived anywhere near a street ... or people for that matter) holding hands. When I am with PA in this supposed haven of safety I feel I need to be very careful if I want to hold his hand. Most people don't care, but there is always someone who thinks they have a right to comment ... or worse. Being in a crowd of several hundred people (or tens of thousands in the London events) at a pride parade is one time in the year when it is safe enough to do exactly that. It is a chance to be proud that I live in a country where this is possible and be able to be proud that I am in a relationship with someone who fills my life with joy. Straight people have not experienced the conditioning that makes innocuous expressions of solidarity and affection something they have to make conscious decisions about.

I march because I can and I march because there are people who can't. There is an overwhelming amount of work still to do in this world to make it safe and fair for people like us.

Yes, I regret that sometimes it seems as though there are people who don't seem to understand that their freedom to party has had to be won and paid for in blood, but I rejoice that the freedom to do that exists.

The only carnival where I have been subject to direct aggression from a member of the public was the local carnival where one of my bands play most years. One woman decided to take offence at the dress and dance moves of some of the Brazilian women in my samba band. Our poor dancers were totally confused by the behaviour and we suddenly found ourselves surrounded by male carnival stewards who rallied to our defence and immediately rebooked us.

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