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H.O.P.E (homosexuals opposed to pride extremism)
Every time i have joined a gay forum center (i was an avid poster on the Connexion boards when they were a thing) I always find myself incredibly disheartened by the extreme number of men who's posts are laced with so much internalized homophobia that they Marginalize without realizing it.

This is my word of advice to anyone hoping to please society by "conforming"

You are gay...you will always be gay...and regardless of how "straight" you act, how "normal" you behave, or how much disdain you show for the Flippant, flamboyant, speedo sporting, twerk teaming, glitter wearing stereotypes, you will ALWAYS....A L W A Y S..... remain despised by those who choose to hold bigotry for the gay community. There is no undoing by not doing...the bigotry and homophobia is already there. You attitude towards gay pride...will change nothing...if gay pride parades stopped existing...Bigots and homophobes would find a plethora of other reasons to hate you. yes, YOU.

The over sexualized images you see of gay pride parades are images of a microcosm within a much LARGER movement. There are families, survivors of disease, people who overcame great adversity, and a bunch of people who feel absolutely fantastic in their own skin and are comfortable enough and have the sheer bravery to show out for the community on a single day of the year. All while you sit at home and scoff at them because Jonny decided to wear a speedo on the float.

There is a NEED for a seperate community because we've been seperated from "normal" society by bigotry and opression. We can't marry, we get denied housing, we get fired from jobs, along with a vast number of unlisted adversities we have to face while growing up.

[COLOR="Green"]Can I just say something. I realize it's not just an isolated thing amongst island people (for instance, Middle Easterns - i.e Shahs of Sunset, the Character Reeza), but for us it's different from the rest of the world that atleast has more gay exposure.

I have to either tone down or pretend to be something that I'm not to conform to my society, or leave my society, and in both cases it's very unfair.

I realize all the stigmas and what not Gay men feel about what "Gay" actually means", but to me it means freedom of not only expression, but of one's self.

I envy American/British gay prides and what not, because it looks so open and free and just all over positive.

True, we may see guys practically fucking all over the place, but atleast they're able to do so freely and be themselves, if even for one day. I would kill(probably not :O ) to have a day like that here.

So I don't see the harm in gay pride. Straight pride is every day, and technically so is gay pride, but it's more a day/week to express yourself as a suppressed minority.

So long as it's not done in like the mall or whatever where people are just going about their business, then it should be fine.

It could just be me, I think it's amazing and fabulous. I would go crazy on a gay pride float, shakin my dreads everywhere, expressing my pride, not for other people, but for myself infront of other people. Something I can't always do here.


Hey mods, I had a previous post for this thread that didn't seem to make it. Could someone PM me as to why?

EDIT: And yet this post made it straight to the topic without moderation *confused*

DOUBLE EDIT: Thank you to a kind member who explained to me how it works. Apparently we should be patient Smile

Axanderb Wrote:Every time i have joined a gay forum center (i was an avid poster on the Connexion boards when they were a thing) I always find myself incredibly disheartened by the extreme number of men who's posts are laced with so much internalized homophobia that they Marginalize without realizing it.

This is my word of advice to anyone hoping to please society by "conforming"

You are gay...you will always be gay...and regardless of how "straight" you act, how "normal" you behave, or how much disdain you show for the Flippant, flamboyant, speedo sporting, twerk teaming, glitter wearing stereotypes, you will ALWAYS....A L W A Y S..... remain despised by those who choose to hold bigotry for the gay community. There is no undoing by not doing...the bigotry and homophobia is already there. You attitude towards gay pride...will change nothing...if gay pride parades stopped existing...Bigots and homophobes would find a plethora of other reasons to hate you. yes, YOU.

The over sexualized images you see of gay pride parades are images of a microcosm within a much LARGER movement. There are families, survivors of disease, people who overcame great adversity, and a bunch of people who feel absolutely fantastic in their own skin and are comfortable enough and have the sheer bravery to show out for the community on a single day of the year. All while you sit at home and scoff at them because Jonny decided to wear a speedo on the float.

There is a NEED for a seperate community because we've been seperated from "normal" society by bigotry and opression. We can't marry, we get denied housing, we get fired from jobs, along with a vast number of unlisted adversities we have to face while growing up.

Really? I mean REALLY?

This is so offensive on so many levels that it isn't even remotely funny.

you are 22 years old and you want to tell the rest of us that we are suffering 'internalised homophobia because we don't mince and ACT gay? REALLY

REALLY, what you have said is so damned offensive. You do not have the right to TELL other people how they should feel and how they should act when you have only been on this earth for a mere 22 years.

I couldn't give a fly fuck if you are a queen and act like a steroteypical gay, some of my friends fit in that category...how ever for me to be a stereotypical gay i WOULD have to ACT because this would be unnatural to me as I am being the person I am and with relative ease and absolutely NO ACTING.

You do not get the right to dictate how a gay man should act...you are disgusting and offensive for trying to do so.

dfiant1 Wrote:Really? I mean REALLY?

This is so offensive on so many levels that it isn't even remotely funny.

you are 22 years old and you want to tell the rest of us that we are suffering 'internalised homophobia because we don't mince and ACT gay? REALLY

REALLY, what you have said is so damned offensive. You do not have the right to TELL other people how they should feel and how they should act when you have only been on this earth for a mere 22 years.

I couldn't give a fly fuck if you are a queen and act like a steroteypical gay, some of my friends fit in that category...how ever for me to be a stereotypical gay i WOULD have to ACT because this would be unnatural to me as I am being the person I am and with relative ease and absolutely NO ACTING.

You do not get the right to dictate how a gay man should act...you are disgusting and offensive for trying to do so.

I try not to talk to you because you are a selfish bastard who thinks he is better than everyone else, but leave him the fuck alone. Being older than anyone else doesn't mean you know anything more than they do. It just means you are that much more stale. He also didn't say everyone had to act like a damn queen, which is what you chose to take offense to. Before you go out and call anyone offensive or disgusting, make sure you know what they are really trying to say. His message was anything but that. Oh, I know you "don't give a fuck" what I think. What people think of you will catch up to you eventually though.

dfiant1 Wrote:And I try not to take notice of you...Hey it worked...almost Wink

I like the label of 'selfish bastard'...nice slander there..now do you understand why I have always not liked you Wink

Because I say what no one else here has the balls to say. Slander is fitting when you act it out. "Selfish bastard" is a good description of a bully who picks on others who are smaller than they are. Stop using your age as proof of how awesome you think you are. This is a forum for many people to gather together, so stop stepping on them all.

dfiant1 Wrote:I have attacked, which is a harsh word in this instance, a statement and a suggestion. I bought age into the discussion because I thought it were relavent.

You've attacked a statement for the entirely wrong reasons. Like I said, make sure you know what someone's real message is before you attack it. Disagreeing with someone is fine, but you've also personally attacked him with your statement. You are also entirely dismissing someone because of their age, but younger people have important things to say all the time. Maybe you should try listening, because the world is always in flux. This is a discussion forum where we are supposed to interact and argue, but taking a massive dump on someone for having an opposing opinion is going way too far. Yes, you want to be this site's "baddass", but don't drive the new members away because of it.

I've left out the rest of your quote, because it's not at all relevant to this discussion.

dfiant1 Wrote:...

I've left the rest of your quote out because it's not relevant. You're getting entirely off topic now. Just stop being a jackass to the new members.

dfiant1 Wrote:hmmm...so hurtful Wink

boss Wink

VileKyle Wrote:I've left the rest of your quote out because it's not relevant. You're getting entirely off topic now. Just stop being a jackass to the new members.

dfiant1 Wrote:I got you all fired up hey?

You see normally I would get bothered, but everything you have said is false and said out of anger, why are you so angry? Because you really can't ignore me.

Oh ok, I never knew I wanted to be this sites badass, thanks for letting me know that.

peace for you and your life Vile Wink

VileKyle Wrote:You've attacked a statement for the entirely wrong reasons. Like I said, make sure you know what someone's real message is before you attack it. Disagreeing with someone is fine, but you've also personally attacked him with your statement. You are also entirely dismissing someone because of their age, but younger people have important things to say all the time. Maybe you should try listening, because the world is always in flux. This is a discussion forum where we are supposed to interact and argue, but taking a massive dump on someone for having an opposing opinion is going way too far. Yes, you want to be this site's "baddass", but don't drive the new members away because of it.

I've left out the rest of your quote, because it's not at all relevant to this discussion.

dfiant1 Wrote:Vile, you see it works like this....a personal attack is...lets say, calling someone a 'selfish bastard', so you are attacking a person with a statement like that.

I have attacked, which is a harsh word in this instance, a statement and a suggestion. I bought age into the discussion because I thought it were relavent.

It's not tha no one here doesn't have the ball not to say it, it just that most of the people have vaginas...they are tougher then the soft and mushie balls you claim to possess Wink

Have a nice day Smile

VileKyle Wrote:Because I say what no one else here has the balls to say. Slander is fitting when you act it out. "Selfish bastard" is a good description of a bully who picks on others who are smaller than they are. Stop using your age as proof of how awesome you think you are. This is a forum for many people to gather together, so stop stepping on them all.

dfiant1 Wrote:And I try not to take notice of you...Hey it worked...almost Wink

I like the label of 'selfish bastard'...nice slander there..now do you understand why I have always not liked you Wink

[Image: popcorn.gif]

Nah, the end Ekka...I have done what I should have done when I rejoined....put those that project their own short comings onto others on ignore. Wink

Back to the discussion now that it has been taken way off topic for someones sole purpose to debase another.

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