Anonymous Wrote:Thank for your answers, guys!
Well, this weekend has come, his boyfriend has left and he's starting again.
The thing is that the fact his boyfriend might find out about his actions, doesn't really bother him. I told him that if he doesn't stop, I'll tell his boyfriend everything and he was just like "go on". I got a feeling that his boyfriend doesn't mean anything to him, because he said that he doesn't give a sh*t about what will he think and that he likes me a lot more.
I see that he clearly doesn't believe I'm straight. He said that once I've been with a guy, I'll never want to be with a girl again.
I take it you don't play poker or you would understand the concept of 'calling a bluff'.
Clearly he does care, if he didn't care he wouldn't wait until the BF is gone.
I don't think its a matter of if you are straight or not. I suspect it is about the conquest here that makes you so tantalizing, so 'wanted' by him. I suspect if you were a gay guy he wouldn't be this interested in 'winning' this particular battle.
Well you have told him no and he refuses to accept that. Time to move on I guess.
I would suggest that you tell the BF what as been going on when you explain that you won't be staying much longer. Then find another roommate situation.
I don't know if you signed a lease or an agreement, if you did then you have that amount of time to work through. I would not deal with this guy who is pestering you on the business end of things here, deal with the BF who is going to be wanting to know what you are wanting to leave.
Look, I'm sorry for all of this, I hope that this one faggot doesn't put you off of all gays - not all gays act and behave in this manner.