Jpalm0987 Wrote:Well Bowyn Aerrow, that was definitely blunt and very well put.
I know I've made more than my share of mistakes, and I'm getting to a point in my life that I need positive change. I already plan on spending plenty of time single and soul searching.
Your right about why I wouldn't want to tell my parents. I am already looked at as the black sheep in the family, that would pretty much be the final nail in the coffin. Again though I realize that I would rather be seen for me, not a plastic mold of who they want.
And just in my defense, I didn't mess up my wife, she already was messed up. Before anything ever came up or out about anything, she got pregnant with my best friends baby, then told me that she was in love with him when we got married, that she never loved me. So it was doomed no matter.
I know the more I write, the more I realize how screwed up my situation is and the more of an asshole I sound like. But I am ready to just be alone and try for some positive change in the right direction. I sincerely appreciate the honesty of your post.
No your situation isn't that screwed. Honestly for your age and the circumstances you find yourself in you are about 'normal' in all of this.
The 20's are the second most high rate of development phase of a human life. The first is the first 6 years of your life, and most of that is physical development. Around 18 we leave home with all of this myth-conceptions about what being an adult is, who we are as a person, and then we meet the harsh cold reality which is life on earth without our parents protecting us as much as they did when we were a child.
Self discovery is what the 20's is chiefly about. You are in that phase, you are finding your footing and around age 30 suddenly all of that learning you have been doing is going to start falling into place, you will know for certain who you are, and depending on what lessons you have decided to learn on the road to 30 from 20, you will apply what you have learned with a bit more confidence.
All of this that you are going through right now is just more lessons, more learning, more experience which you get to decide which lesson you take with you into the future. Every story in your life has a moral - actually they have more than one moral.
So... My Wife Cheated on Me....
Hmm. Exactly what lessons are you taking away from that?
Is this situation with the wife the real underlying cause for your indecisiveness here about the whole gay thing?
Granted you have been with guys in a relationship sort of way.... I'm wondering if perhaps you are actually bisexual and were (past tense) easy with the idea of either/or gender and now suddenly after this horrible trauma that the wife did (being cheated on is a horrible trauma, don't kid yourself, its emotionally crippling for most healthy human beings for extended period of time), now you are weighing on the male gender side because somewhere inside of you you mayst believe that a man will do you right and proper.
What little you wrote there tells me you just went through some excessive emotional abuse. That is serious stuff to have your spouse tell you that they never loved you -
Then why did you marry me? What was the plan? Surely those and many other questions went around and around in your head and your heart.
I think its time you pull out a pen and paper and start listing everything on YOUR plate - how you are feeling about every aspect of your life, the cheating, your job, the gay thing, you parents, your Faith, etc. etc. etc. Yeah its going to be a long list, you are basically making an inventory of who and what you are.
This is not a all in one sitting chore, this can take a month, perhaps more of chipping away at it. However, once you do write it all down, you will have a much better perspective on what really needs to be worked on NOW and what can be worked on later.
Setting priorities when you have no idea what all there is to be done is going to be real hard.
I suspect this question about homosexuality is related to other stuff, and you just need to list that stuff to see the connection for yourself.
Another way to do this is to hire a therapist to work with you in figuring out who 'I' is. They are expensive (trust me I went to enough of them).