to the forum Partner, just unfortunate that its under these circumstances.
I think to a degree you have answered your one quandary:
Quote:making an ass of himself
The challenge is that at 51 and HIV+ he's playing the field like there is no tomorrow. Not only is he continuing to put his own health in more danger, he is putting others at risk as well, and this includes you. Nothing you can say will make him change as you have effectively (unwittingly perhaps) consented to his behaviour by not reading the riot act 5 years ago when this behaviour first raised its ugly head.
Clearly you have a lot of effort and love invested in the relationship, and if he hasn't gotten that message after you continue to support him through his cheating and HIV status, then Im afraid t this stage there is very little you can say to him to have any impact on his choice of lifestyle. His wishing to discuss a more open relationship is quite frankly irrelevant at this stage.
I don't think anything I or anyone else could say would be providing you with a "tip" on how to resolve the situation. You have made a very clear statement:
Quote:I am HIV neg. I don't cheat.
This for me is the most important thing to concentrate on right now, above everything else.
The only way you are going to maintain this status, and your sanity, is to either clearly state your expectations should he wish to continue in the relationship, or, as CellerDweller says, pack his bags.
11 years is a long time to be together, so there will be much financial and social friendships intertwined between both of you. You need to start some practical planning now for your safe extraction plan should things continue to deteriorate, which based on what you have told us is very likely. Things like house/mortgage if applicable, bank accounts etc. Planning now, will ease the transition should it be needed.
Good Luck