Flirting is flirting, it is fun and is indicative of a friendship and to a degree trust.
You are over thinking this and you need to accept that flirting is just that.
I work in a work place that is dominated by women who all know I am gay, but I flirt rediculously with them and they with me. Work doesn't have to be boring, have some fun and go home with a smile.
Another thought Hank
Gay affirming churches?
List for Texas[/URL]
Hi there Bellablue, I'm sure the topic is pretty much resolved by now, nonetheless, I wanted to provide a piece of life experience from the perspective of this "partner" (if he does exist in your guy's life) as I am the hidden partner of a closeted gay man myself.
Don't be scared, is not my bf your are lusting about... LOL if it were... I would whoop you f**ing ass!!! LOL nah, I would probably have you over for a glass of wine and end up bitching about his shortcomings!!!
I guess my point is, even though he is gay (or not) if you think he has a partner and you keep the flirt, you best start thinking of how this could hurt his figurative partner (man or woman) So please... let it go, as people have already said, he might be bi... he might be gay... he might be straight... point is, you have asked him out and he said "no"... whatever twisted reasons he might have had are irrelevant.
Its time to MOVE UP AND MOVE ON!
I agree with "Letmar". If he is in a relationship, stop flirting with him, whether gay or straight or bisexual... His partner will propably be very heartbroken if he finds out...