03-05-2014, 06:15 AM
I'll try and keep this as short as possible, but sorry in advance for making it so long!
Me and my bf have been together now for about 3 months now and everything's been going pretty great. Here and there we've had our bumps, but we got that smoothed out and back normal. Recently though, he's been acting a little weird. Before his "weirdness" behavior we just got through a little problem where we decided we weren't ready for sex. After two very bad and embarrassing attempts, it wasn't the right time at all so after talking about it, we finally agreed that we could wait until we're both ready to try again. I was completely fine with the decision and wanted to do whatever made him feel comfortable since we're both virgins. Well, after this he just started acting fishy. And he still is. When we first started dating, we would talk a lot. Skype, text, call. You name it. We always kept in touch. He would call me first thing after he woke up or got out of work. Now, there was just a sudden stop to all that. He barely calls me and if he does, it's pretty much a few minutes of a call. Texting isn't as much as it used to be. He's been sleeping in A LOT. Like, today, he came back from work at about 10, went to sleep. Woke up at 9 and then he was asking me if it was bad that he wanted to go back to sleep. That was at about 11:30. He never really used to do that. Even before we started dating. Whenever he is awake and isn't at work, he's just been watching his Anime shows or just using the computer and throughout the whole time he won't text me that much at all. Sometimes he would apologize for not texting me and says he's been watching his shows. This has been happening for about a week or more now. I can't stress how many time I've asked/confronted him about if he's alright or if he has something on his mind, but he always says 'nothing'. I told him that if he wants to have his alone and be able to relax, that he can tell me and I'll understand, but he said that he is fine. Ultimately, what's really bothering me about this is the sudden change in his behavior and how there's supposedly nothing wrong. I feel like the last time we tried "doing the do" it just pushed him away. And if it was that, I would understand cause' it wasn't your average porn sex lol Anyways, I hope someone could maybe give me an idea of what might be going on. I just feel like he has something to say and if he does, I really hope we could both talk about it and just work things out. Thank you in advance and again, sorry for the the length of the post!
Me and my bf have been together now for about 3 months now and everything's been going pretty great. Here and there we've had our bumps, but we got that smoothed out and back normal. Recently though, he's been acting a little weird. Before his "weirdness" behavior we just got through a little problem where we decided we weren't ready for sex. After two very bad and embarrassing attempts, it wasn't the right time at all so after talking about it, we finally agreed that we could wait until we're both ready to try again. I was completely fine with the decision and wanted to do whatever made him feel comfortable since we're both virgins. Well, after this he just started acting fishy. And he still is. When we first started dating, we would talk a lot. Skype, text, call. You name it. We always kept in touch. He would call me first thing after he woke up or got out of work. Now, there was just a sudden stop to all that. He barely calls me and if he does, it's pretty much a few minutes of a call. Texting isn't as much as it used to be. He's been sleeping in A LOT. Like, today, he came back from work at about 10, went to sleep. Woke up at 9 and then he was asking me if it was bad that he wanted to go back to sleep. That was at about 11:30. He never really used to do that. Even before we started dating. Whenever he is awake and isn't at work, he's just been watching his Anime shows or just using the computer and throughout the whole time he won't text me that much at all. Sometimes he would apologize for not texting me and says he's been watching his shows. This has been happening for about a week or more now. I can't stress how many time I've asked/confronted him about if he's alright or if he has something on his mind, but he always says 'nothing'. I told him that if he wants to have his alone and be able to relax, that he can tell me and I'll understand, but he said that he is fine. Ultimately, what's really bothering me about this is the sudden change in his behavior and how there's supposedly nothing wrong. I feel like the last time we tried "doing the do" it just pushed him away. And if it was that, I would understand cause' it wasn't your average porn sex lol Anyways, I hope someone could maybe give me an idea of what might be going on. I just feel like he has something to say and if he does, I really hope we could both talk about it and just work things out. Thank you in advance and again, sorry for the the length of the post!