03-17-2014, 04:08 AM
Drkmcnamara Wrote:What do you mean by pour it out? Are you trivializing what I am feeling by calling it crap?
I would love to break out of my isolation but honestly no one has the patience to really be that close to me irl.
Are you also saying that I am using my own intelligence against me and it is making me crazy?
This is not an exuse but I was treated real poorly by most people growing up and the exuse they made to justify what they did to make me feel so small is that I had aspergers.
None of the bad. ALL of the good. I pushed on purpose just to be as provocative as you. The only difference is yours is from a place of pain and mine is from a place of potential healing. Read these posts repeatedly if needed, but mostly do it carefully and stay connected. I have NO intent to offend but I think this is a safe place to be candid and not just pussyfoot around with pats and hugs without some real and true effort. I'll back off for sure for now because I wish you peace more than anything in the world.