04-11-2014, 08:52 PM
I was talking to this guy online for 2 months and we were getting closer. We talked about getting together in the future and the "L" word was mentioned. We never had any arguments and we would talk together for hours on Skype every night. I saw the more I gave him that he gave me even more.
Anyway I had exams and told him that I wouldn't be able to speak as long but he said he was going away for a week. That worked out perfectly I thought and I told him he would have a nice email when he did come back (which he did). However since he came back he has been distant and after a couple of days I said I didn't like being ignored so he replied and said we would talk the following night - he never showed. I was really pissed off but sent him an email saying I hoped he would find someone he would love and that he was really talented and how hard this was for me but I thought it wouldn't work between us.
Now I regret it.
He is a scorpio and I know scorpio guys disappear every now and again for various reasons.
At first I thought is was because he was bored or he just wasn't that into me and I thought what better way to show someone you loved them than by setting them free and making them happy. What a stupid thought!
He probably did it for a reaction to see how I felt or because he needed to think things out or because he was just busy. Whatever it was I am not a mind reader.
Any advice is welcome particularly from other scorpio guys. I jumped to the wrong conclusions probably and know if he felt for me that anything mentioning a break up would have hurt him. I don't want to keep messaging him as he will think I am weak and needy so if anyone has ideas I would love to hear them. I am really into this guy bigtime.
Thanks for reading
Anyway I had exams and told him that I wouldn't be able to speak as long but he said he was going away for a week. That worked out perfectly I thought and I told him he would have a nice email when he did come back (which he did). However since he came back he has been distant and after a couple of days I said I didn't like being ignored so he replied and said we would talk the following night - he never showed. I was really pissed off but sent him an email saying I hoped he would find someone he would love and that he was really talented and how hard this was for me but I thought it wouldn't work between us.
Now I regret it.
He is a scorpio and I know scorpio guys disappear every now and again for various reasons.
At first I thought is was because he was bored or he just wasn't that into me and I thought what better way to show someone you loved them than by setting them free and making them happy. What a stupid thought!
He probably did it for a reaction to see how I felt or because he needed to think things out or because he was just busy. Whatever it was I am not a mind reader.
Any advice is welcome particularly from other scorpio guys. I jumped to the wrong conclusions probably and know if he felt for me that anything mentioning a break up would have hurt him. I don't want to keep messaging him as he will think I am weak and needy so if anyone has ideas I would love to hear them. I am really into this guy bigtime.
Thanks for reading