Quote:Don't worry about BA, his bark is worse than his bite 
The only reason why my bark is worse than my bite online is because I can't mom slap the back of heads of as many people as I would like to through my monitor.... gods know I try... :tongue:
I laid out the real problem there. There really isn't a worry about getting HIV. You are far, far more worried that you may bring something home to explain to the wife.
It is that aspect of this that is causing you to 'freak out' over essentially nothing.
My gut is telling me that if you were not a married man, this whole thing wouldn't frighten you as much as its doing.
Yes there is a risk - albeit a minor one. Thus I suggested RNA testing, its the faster and most reliable test - discuss this with your doctor as to the details.
This is not a morals question, its a question of psychology. Yes I hit the nail on the head - and I'm telling you why you are freaking out right now. I'm also trying to give you helpful tips to resolve the conflict of your needs versus your marriage.
Each time you go out behind her back you are going to freak out and come crying to some board or another asking 'Did I get HIV/Syphilis/Gonorrhea/Etcetera? Your panic is abnormal due to this extra stress of 'being caught'.
Yeah I know, you are in the closet - way too many 'straight men' seeking 'discreet' romance on the side are in the closet. Many of them panic just like you did.
I just wanted to hold up a mirror for you, to have someone tell you what you most likely already know is going on to help you get perspective on your anxiety over potentially catching HIV. Everyone else told you 'not a real risk in that'. I bet every web site from WebMd to Ask.com said virtually the same thing.
This is not a physical issue, this is a psychological one, one that you need to address and resolve THAT married/cheating/potentially being caught via a sexually transmitted disease - especially since she appears to be a bit on the cool side when it comes to the bedroom so there is no real chance of picking it up from her.
And I pretty much guessed that this is along term relationship where the passion has cooled to nearly nothing. It happens to nearly all relationships/marriages. Ask any marriage counselor what the second biggest issue is for marriages (Money is first).
IDK - maybe consider marriage counseling?