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Five Questions
1. What things have you collected, coins, stamps, body parts?

I collected baseball cards and Star Wars cards back in the day. Now it's 45 rpm records.

2. What's the most illegal thing you've done that you can admit to?

WSJ: Have you ever been sent to jail?
Dr Dre: Yeah, I've been to jayl.
WSJ: What for?
Dr Dre: For something I don't want to talk about in the Wall Street Journal.

3. How do you feel about fur coats?

I understand the uproar, but I think it's usually more than a bit hypocritical. If anybody is protesting the wearing of fur who isn't a vegetarian (and not a ovo lacto vegetarian), that seems a bit silly. We treat our food animals just as cruelly as we treat our fur animals, even if the fur ones are "cuter".

4. What's the most exotic o bizarre place you've been?

Nothing too outlandish. Estonia, perhaps, or one of a few ghost towns in Colorado and Wyoming.

5. Worst injury or disease you've had? (Bone us question -- did you survive?)

Been relatively healthy all of my life. Been to the hospital three times - all three for dehydration. (Yes - I didn't learn my lesson the first TWO times.) I've been hit by a car as a pedestrian twice, and been in one car wreck that totaled the car, but I walked away from all three.

1. Do you have a special food dish that you can prepare to wow guests?

2. Name something silly you own that you haven't thrown away, for whatever reason.

3. Where did you want to go most of all when you were a kid?

4. Do you have a least-favorite celebrity or well-known person?

5. Can your monkey do the dog?


Lexington Wrote:Maybe I can use online pictures to describe it. Smile

[Image: Stunning-White-Ceiling-Bookshelf-Design-...-Ideas.jpg]

OK, picture one of those book "sections". Now imagine it has books on the other side as well. (It probably does, come to think of it.) Now picture that "cube" of books hooked up to some sort....hydraulic set-up. So if you manipulated it in some way, it would drop down three feet or so, putting it within reach. Then, you could push it back up into the ceiling and "lock" it back in place. So the hallway ceiling would be made up of several of these.

I actually assumed I'd never meet him. He was in the UK, and hadn't toured the US since 1982. But apparently he missed doing long tours, and decided to try touring the US once more, even if wasn't going to be a money maker. So I went and saw him in Boulder about a decade back. I managed to get backstage passes, and met him there. He was not very chatty, but he autographed my copy of his autobiography.

He actually moved to the Los Angeles area last year, and went on tour of the US again. I saw him in Denver, and again wormed my way backstage to meet him. He was MUCH friendly this time around - apparently, he's a lot friendlier if his wife is with him. (She's an odd duck but nice.) We chatted about the tour, and how weird US tours are. But apparently he was doing extremely well with this one.

I don't have a lastfm account. Just a ton of vinyl, CDs and mp3s. Smile


Could do it, you would need a high ceiling to give clearance for at least 12"-18" for the books and more space above that for the mechanics. A series of cabled counterweights (strung horizontally above the books) could neutralize the weight of the shelves and make them easier to move.

Lexington Wrote:1. Do you have a special food dish that you can prepare to wow guests?


Quote:2. Name something silly you own that you haven't thrown away, for whatever reason.

i don't own anything silly. i have a bunch of silly things lying around here or there but it's stuff like old magazines and plastic bags that can't be said to be things one owns.

the reason i don't have any silly stuff is because my childhood home burned down after graduating from high school and my silly things i owned back then along with it. otherwise i'd probably still have a bunch of those silly belongings from my teenage years.

speaking of plastic bags, i don't know why, but i have this habit of stuffing them in a separate drawer and keeping them around thinking they might come in handy sometimes. they rarely do. i really should throw all of that trash out. now that is silly that i haven't done that.

Quote:3. Where did you want to go most of all when you were a kid?

away from home. anywhere but where i was born and where i grew up in. i was in rebellion against my parents, home, and ancestry back then.

Quote:4. Do you have a least-favorite celebrity or well-known person?

not one single least favorite, i can think of several i don't like at all. but one of them -- Paul Rudd -- really triggers my disgust factor hard. yuck!@Q&^#^ he's not the neutral, i-don't-get-this-guy type of actor. he's fucking disgusting to me. i can't watch anything he plays in. puke! ew.

Quote:5. Can your monkey do the dog?

i don't understand the question.

1. name some possession of yours you're proud of, or especially prize.
2. how old were you by the time you knew how to read?
3. gay public life figure who inspires you? and what is inspiring about them?
4. do you keep a diary/journal of your life?
5. Mac or Windows? (or Linux, you nerd)

meridannight Wrote:i don't understand the question.


[MENTION=21778]Lexington[/MENTION] i'm not gonna listen to R&B or whatever that is in order to understand the question.

...well then. Smile

1. name some possession of yours you're proud of, or especially prize.

...nothing, really. I mean, I like my "stuff". But that's all it is - stuff. I like having my record collection (although I do not own "Can Your Monkey Do the Dog"...yet) and my weird T-shirts and whatever else. But if somehow they vanished, I'd be bummed, but I'd carry on just fine. I had my entire music collection stolen once, and although I wasn't happy about it, it didn't really affect me in that massive way that I thought it would. It was just like "oh, that's a shame".

2. how old were you by the time you knew how to read?

I don't recall not knowing how to read, although obviously there was a time I couldn't. I have memories from when I was three or four, and even in those, I recall knowing how to read. I remember being given a book in pre-school, and told "see if you can find any words in here that you know". I ended up reading the book, because I knew them all, or could figure them all out.

3. gay public life figure who inspires you? and what is inspiring about them?

None outside of the really basic "the more out-and-proud people there are, the better for all concerned" mindset. I can think of several gay people who have said or done things I thought were admirable, but I can't say as they inspired me specifically.

4. do you keep a diary/journal of your life?

No. Unless posting on Facebook counts. (Hint: it doesn't.)

5. Mac or Windows? (or Linux, you nerd)

Windows. It's just what I learned first, and I never got around to learning the other. Never had much problem with Windows-based products, so no impetus to learn Mac.

1. Non-alcoholic drink of choice?

2. What superhero would you be for a day?

3. Name a book that you didn't finish, for whatever reason.

4. All expense paid trip anywhere for a week! Where do you go, and what do you do?

5. Coffee, tea, or me?


1. Non-alcoholic drink of choice?
Water, if I'm in a restaurant I also order unsweetened ice tea.
2. What superhero would you be for a day?
getting up every day is heroism enough. While I really enjoy all the movies in recent years, I never imagine being one, I only dream of smacking Tony Stark.
3. Name a book that you didn't finish, for whatever reason.
The Koran. After reading the bible cover to cover before the concepts presented were just too foreign to me to continue, and no, I did not read it in Arabic.
4. All expense paid trip anywhere for a week! Where do you go, and what do you do?
gay cruise with my husband to anywhere warm, doesn't matter where, the destination is the ship
5. Coffee, tea, or me?
chosing twice taking you and coffee. I never drank coffee until my thyroid surgery in 03, but since I've come to enjoy it, with milk though, black I can't get it down.

1) was Santa good this year? Why/why not?
2) what do you do when you want to relax?
3) to which charities do you donate and why?
4) unexpectedly you have a long weekend by yourself, no boyfriend/husband/family around, no obligations, no dates. what do you do?
5) favorite movie/book/tv-show in 2014 and why?

Being gay is not for Sissies.

[MENTION=21778]Lexington[/MENTION].... I REALLY envy all you guys who grew up with all that great music. I had to add that song to my permanent playlist.

1) was Santa good this year? Why/why not?
Santa was great to me this year!!!!! He brought me a cute little muscley man like I've been wanting for years!

2) what do you do when you want to relax?
Either go play with the dogs outside or go for a drive like we did today.

3) to which charities do you donate and why?
LOCAL charities. I'm always buying food and supplies for our animal shelter. I work with the Lions Club to raise money for scholarships for every graduate from our High school... (and we raise a butt load of money and make it fun for everyone) When I pay utilities I donate to help others. I do a lot of work with the local American Legion year round which is 100% volunteer operated to provide Xmas gifts for poorer people and especially kids -- helping the elderly, veterans and disabled. I check out any other charities before I give them a dime. Many of them have executives making over $200,000 a year and it's like a slap in the face to real charities for them to be asking for money.

4) unexpectedly you have a long weekend by yourself, no boyfriend/husband/family around, no obligations, no dates. what do you do?
Make it us as we go along. Have fun. When I'm around Jaybird it's fun cleaning out closets and hanging pictures... or just doing doing anything together .... it doesn't matter as long as we're doing it together.

5) favorite movie/book/tv-show in 2014 and why?
I don't read fiction at all anymore. All i've read the past 4 years are books related to school. The only TV I really take interest in is news and a few funny shows (Carbonaro Effect) We're really into old movies more than any of the new ones coming out. The Godfather Trilogy is tops.

1. Burial or cremation?
2. Have you ever been to a nude beach? Would you? Or how did you like it?
3. What are your food hang ups? Dislikes or allergies etc.
4. Do you eat on the couch?
5. Have you been a victim of violent crime?

1. Burial or cremation?
ugh, we decided this about 10 years ago when we made our wills together. For the life of me I can't remember what we decided, except for it being together
2. Have you ever been to a nude beach? Would you? Or how did you like it?
thats where I met my husband, a clothing-optional beach on Mykonos. I'm a bit of a nudist, so if I have a choice I prefer to go to nude beaches.
3. What are your food hang ups? Dislikes or allergies etc.
slightly allergic to Aspartame, so all diet sodas are off limits to me, however the affect is only vastly accelerated digestion, nothing dramatic. I've tried oysters once, ditto crabs, crab legs and don't need them again.
4. Do you eat on the couch?
Hehehe. Been there, done that, would do it again.
5. Have you been a victim of violent crime?
i once got beat up in public by a group of unhappy soccer fans, and that's all I want to remember

1) the one potential boyfriend or fling that got away, how would you approach him today?
2) coming out to your family, how did you do it?
3) vacation plans for 2015 already? Spill!
4) do you have lesbian friends? How? When? Why? What? Why not?
5) which come-on lines work on you?

Being gay is not for Sissies.

1) the one potential boyfriend or fling that got away, how would you approach him today?

I would definitely be more upfront with him. Probably one of the only times of my life where I wished I'd acted differently.

2) coming out to your family, how did you do it?

Still haven't, except to my mom, sort of. It's never really been a concern for me since I now live a thousand miles away from home.

3) vacation plans for 2015 already? Spill!

Hopefully another half-week at my friend's cabin in rural Minnesota. Day drinking, boating, relaxing, not caring about anything: can't wait! In my imagination, I'm going to Italy again.

4) do you have lesbian friends? How? When? Why? What? Why not?

Absolutely, I think lesbians make the world a better place Smile Though sadly the closest lesbian friends I've had moved away.

5) which come-on lines work on you?

Um, at this rate, pretty much anything would work on me. #ForeverSingle

Ok, new questions:

1. Any New Years' resolutions you intend/realistically think you will keep?
2. Last time you had sex?
3. Last great book you read, and why you loved it?
4. If money were no object, and if you could choose to live anywhere in the world, where would that be, and why?
5. Have you ever seriously considered doing drag, and if so, what would your drag name be and what sort of queen (campy, glam, high-fashion, etc.) would you be?

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