Since I skipped over est's questions, I'll answer them now.
1 - What is your favourite part of your body?Why?
As boringly stereotypical as this might be...I absolutely love the male ass. Why? Because it makes me horny, and I love doing things to it.
2 - Favourite movie and why.
I'm really not much of a movie fan. I can think of several movies I quite liked - Star Wars, Microcosmos, Ratatouille. But no one really stands out as "this is my favorite movie ever".
3- What is your type of guy?
It took me about a decade and a half of being out to notice something. Whether intentionally or not, I almost never view people sexually unless I make a deliberate effort to do so. Even guys who I find attractive don't necessarily catch my eye unless I'm deliberately looking for something sexual, if that makes any sense. If I'm horny and think "I wonder if anybody around looks hot", I'll notice. But if I don't think that, it simply won't register.
When somebody expresses interest in ME, however, I'll of course think "Wow, this guy's interested. Let's see if I'm interested in return." And of course, in those cases, I don't have to wonder "is this guy gay? would he be interested in something happening with me?" Because I have the answer to those questions - yes and yes.

And quite often, I AM interested.
So, weirdly enough, "my type" tends to be "guys who are interested in me". This isn't to say I don't have preferences in other directions. I tend to prefer hairier guys to smoother guys, for instance. But I'm more interested in a smooth guy who expresses interest in me than a hairy guy who doesn't.
4- What was your worst sexual/romantic experience or date?
I've never actually had a bad one, really. My first sexual experience was with a hitchhiker, and we had sex on the side of the road. He wasn't very good, and I'm assuming I wasn't either, so that was probably my least favorite sexual experience. But even that one was pretty damn fun.
The only thing that's coming to mind was when I went with an ex to meet his new boyfriend. His new boyfriend kept hitting on me, buying me drinks, rubbing my nipples, grinding into me on the dancefloor. My ex was somehow completely oblivious to this. That wasn't technically a date (for me) but I'd put it down as the worst time I had in a date-like experience.
5- Does (penis) size matter?
Tough question. Does it matter to me? Yes. If we're speaking in generalities, for me, all things being equal, the bigger the better. If you give me two identical guys, alike in absolutely every way except for cock size, I'll take the guy with the bigger cock.
But the key four words there aren't "the bigger the better" (which is what everybody likes to focus on), but "all things being equal". Because they're never equal. In this way, cock size is the same as car color. All things being equal, I like a guy with a green car. That doesn't mean I won't date/hook-up with/marry a guy with a red car, or a blue car, or no car. That just means if he's out buying a car, and he has absolutely no druthers, and he wants me to pick the car color, I'll pick a green one.
Similarly, yeah, I like a guy with a bigger cock. But it's nowhere near a prerequisite. I've gone to bed with guys as small as four inches and as large as nine. And my best lover, no question, was a guy whose cock probably wasn't quite five inches long. I'd go to bed with him over a guy with a huge cock any day of the week.
Reiterating my last questions:
1. What was your favorite joke when you were little?
2. What would be the name of your autobiography?
3. You have some extra money and the day off. Where do you go and what do you do?
4. What's the worst thing that happened on vacation?
5. Free meal time! This one won't cost you anything in money OR issues to your diet/health. What are you going to have?