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Five Questions
1. How can you show your appreciation for others?
First, by thanking them. Then, pray for them to have a bountiful blessed.
I don't know how else but then usually I'll give some small lunch treats.

2. What can you do to take care of those you love?
Talk to them. Nothing more than talking. Because talk is a bridge between two people.
I think another thing to do might be sharing your life with your lover.

3. What are you taking for granted?
Hmm. Not sure how to answer this question...

4. What do you want to be remembered as?
As a man, a loyal husband, or a father. LOL

5. What are you proud of so far?
My own acceptance of my own sexual orientation.

1) What is your biggest mistake?
2) A mountain or a beach? Which one would you go for?
3) Why you choose to be in this forum?
4) Your favourite TV-series?
5) Your fetish?

1) What is your biggest mistake?

Killing my emotions entirely.

2) A mountain or a beach? Which one would you go for?

A beach, I want to get along with it, without fear.

3) Why you choose to be in this forum?

It is my family.

4) Your favourite TV-series?


5) Your fetish?



[COLOR="Blue"]1_ If your country was about to fall, would you run and save your life, or fight the enemy?
2_ Who is the person you love the most, beside your boyfriend/girlfriend if you have one?
3_ If you could come and visit my country for a short vacation, would you do it?
4_ Have you ever been the smartest student in your class?
5_ Describe me in three words.[/COLOR]

1_ If your country was about to fall, would you run and save your life, or fight the enemy?

my 'country' is Europe and everything it stands for. i can't imagine not living here. so yeah, i would absolutely fight for Europe if it were in danger, and if i could actually realistically be of any help. and Europe will never fall. we can be slow to act sometimes, but be sure that where it really matters you're not gonna get away with it.

2_ Who is the person you love the most, beside your boyfriend/girlfriend if you have one?

my two best friends.

3_ If you could come and visit my country for a short vacation, would you do it?


4_ Have you ever been the smartest student in your class?

i graduated among the top 5% of my class in high school, although my grades weren't always so good throughout (except in math, i always excelled at math). but my final scores were. and i really did myself a big favor by getting my shit together in the 12th grade. thanks to my high school finals' results i've been accepted to every university/college i've applied to on scholarships. i've never had to pay a dime for my education.

5_ Describe me in three words.

don't know you.


1. can you play any musical instrument? (if, yes, then what?)
2. what did you wear the last time you went out (anywhere at all, even if it was just the groceries store)? and don't just say pants and shirt. i want details.
3. what were you doing 10 years ago?
4. have you ever done drugs? (and specify, please)
5. any film/TV characters you identify with?

1. can you play any musical instrument? (if, yes, then what?)

I tried learning how to play the keyboard once, but I failed miserably. I think music is one of the hardest things to learn.

2. what did you wear the last time you went out (anywhere at all, even if it was just the groceries store)? and don't just say pants and shirt. i want details.

Old black shirt, but one of my favourites. it has faded green print covering all the chest and a not so visible bleach stain. Nylon shorts, navy blue, with red/white stripes on the side. Black flip flop, with a "tropical image pattern" in white and red (like waves and palm tree leaves).

3. what were you doing 10 years ago?
I was probably play at the beach, in the ocean, or playing with friends, pretending to be a super-hero something like that.

4. have you ever done drugs? (and specify, please)
I drink very little, but I do sometimes, so that's one drug. I have once tried a cigar, but inhaled only once. And another time, my friends put weed in a cake and didn't tell me, and I ate it. But he did it wrong, so no one got high or had any effect form the drug.

5. any film/TV characters you identify with?

I can't think of anyone.


1 - What is your favourite part of your body?Why?
2 - Favourite movie and why.
3- What is your type of guy?
4- What was your worst sexual/romantic experience or date?
5- Does (penis) size matter?

1. can you play any musical instrument? (if, yes, then what?)

I played a musical instrument live on stage this Saturday...a stylophone.

[Image: stylophone1_800w.jpg]

2. what did you wear the last time you went out (anywhere at all, even if it was just the groceries store)? and don't just say pants and shirt. i want details.

I guess that Saturday would count as the last time I went out. I wore a blue T-shirt with a bunch of 45rpm adapters on it (as a design - not the actual adapters) and jeans. Wore a green hockey jersey over that, but only until I got to the venue.

3. what were you doing 10 years ago?

Pretty much the same thing, only not talking about it online as much.

4. have you ever done drugs? (and specify, please)

Other than alcohol, none.

5. any film/TV characters you identify with?

A bunch, but only to varying degrees. I never think "Oh, yeah - I'm really like HIM." Just "there are aspects of me that I can see in that character". My namesake is one such one.

1. What was your favorite joke when you were little?
2. What would be the name of your autobiography?
3. You have some extra money and the day off. Where do you go and what do you do?
4. What's the worst thing that happened on vacation?
5. Free meal time! This one won't cost you anything in money OR issues to your diet/health. What are you going to have?


Since I skipped over est's questions, I'll answer them now. Smile

1 - What is your favourite part of your body?Why?

As boringly stereotypical as this might be...I absolutely love the male ass. Why? Because it makes me horny, and I love doing things to it. Smile

2 - Favourite movie and why.

I'm really not much of a movie fan. I can think of several movies I quite liked - Star Wars, Microcosmos, Ratatouille. But no one really stands out as "this is my favorite movie ever".

3- What is your type of guy?

It took me about a decade and a half of being out to notice something. Whether intentionally or not, I almost never view people sexually unless I make a deliberate effort to do so. Even guys who I find attractive don't necessarily catch my eye unless I'm deliberately looking for something sexual, if that makes any sense. If I'm horny and think "I wonder if anybody around looks hot", I'll notice. But if I don't think that, it simply won't register.

When somebody expresses interest in ME, however, I'll of course think "Wow, this guy's interested. Let's see if I'm interested in return." And of course, in those cases, I don't have to wonder "is this guy gay? would he be interested in something happening with me?" Because I have the answer to those questions - yes and yes. Smile And quite often, I AM interested.

So, weirdly enough, "my type" tends to be "guys who are interested in me". This isn't to say I don't have preferences in other directions. I tend to prefer hairier guys to smoother guys, for instance. But I'm more interested in a smooth guy who expresses interest in me than a hairy guy who doesn't. Smile

4- What was your worst sexual/romantic experience or date?

I've never actually had a bad one, really. My first sexual experience was with a hitchhiker, and we had sex on the side of the road. He wasn't very good, and I'm assuming I wasn't either, so that was probably my least favorite sexual experience. But even that one was pretty damn fun. Smile

The only thing that's coming to mind was when I went with an ex to meet his new boyfriend. His new boyfriend kept hitting on me, buying me drinks, rubbing my nipples, grinding into me on the dancefloor. My ex was somehow completely oblivious to this. That wasn't technically a date (for me) but I'd put it down as the worst time I had in a date-like experience.

5- Does (penis) size matter?

Tough question. Does it matter to me? Yes. If we're speaking in generalities, for me, all things being equal, the bigger the better. If you give me two identical guys, alike in absolutely every way except for cock size, I'll take the guy with the bigger cock.

But the key four words there aren't "the bigger the better" (which is what everybody likes to focus on), but "all things being equal". Because they're never equal. In this way, cock size is the same as car color. All things being equal, I like a guy with a green car. That doesn't mean I won't date/hook-up with/marry a guy with a red car, or a blue car, or no car. That just means if he's out buying a car, and he has absolutely no druthers, and he wants me to pick the car color, I'll pick a green one.

Similarly, yeah, I like a guy with a bigger cock. But it's nowhere near a prerequisite. I've gone to bed with guys as small as four inches and as large as nine. And my best lover, no question, was a guy whose cock probably wasn't quite five inches long. I'd go to bed with him over a guy with a huge cock any day of the week. Smile

Reiterating my last questions:

1. What was your favorite joke when you were little?
2. What would be the name of your autobiography?
3. You have some extra money and the day off. Where do you go and what do you do?
4. What's the worst thing that happened on vacation?
5. Free meal time! This one won't cost you anything in money OR issues to your diet/health. What are you going to have?


1. What was your favorite joke when you were little?

Not really a joke but I thought it was funny when anyone farted

2. What would be the name of your autobiography?

I gave it my best shot

3. You have some extra money and the day off. Where do you go and what do you do?

I would go to Monterey California and spend the day...I know lots of places and things to do and I love spending time there

4. What's the worst thing that happened on vacation?

My ex and his BF (best friend..not boyfriend) in Hawaii...both of them nitpicky and complaining about everything and I would drink until I didn't care...well...they got into a bitch purse fight at the Polynesian Cultural Center and then I had to listen to my ex bitch all day long about how terrible his friend was...UGH...there wasn't enough alcohol on the planet to drown that crap out

5. Free meal time! This one won't cost you anything in money OR issues to your diet/health. What are you going to have?

Marinated fresh calamari...some giant sea scallops very lightly breaded...just a dust really...so they melt in my mouth...butter and garlic halibut...some clams...olive oil and garlic linguine and a bowl of cream of asparagus soup. If I wasn't too full...raspberry white chocolate cake afterward with a cup of black coffee

1) Where would you never want to visit? Why?
2) What place have you been that you will never step foot in again?
3) Money or Love?
4) If you could change one thing about you...inside or out...what would it be?
5) They are colonizing another planet and they have room for a few more on the first flight..would you go?

East Wrote:Not really a joke but I thought it was funny when anyone farted

Some humor is universal.

1) Where would you never want to visit? Why?

Antarctica and the North Pole. I just really dislike the bitter cold, so I have no interest in going.

2) What place have you been that you will never step foot in again?

The only thing I could think of was "My ex's place", so I'll stick with that. Smile

3) Money or Love?

Depends on what the question is really asking. If the question is "which would you magically have granted to you", I'd say "money". Because money doesn't preclude me from finding love - in fact, one could argue it would enable me to focus more time and energy (and money) into looking. Being in love doesn't preclude me from getting money, either, but my skill set doesn't lend itself well to a big paycheck. So money. Smile

4) If you could change one thing about you...inside or out...what would it be?

Hm. Two things come to mind. I do wish I weren't as heavy as I am. I don't think I'm grossly overweight, but I think it'd be nice to be closer to average (and perhaps muscular). But I really think I'd change my "resting bitch face". I'm incapable of smiling correctly in photos, and people always think I'm really pissed off when I'm thinking about what to have for lunch or something. Smile

5) They are colonizing another planet and they have room for a few more on the first flight..would you go?

Probably not. It'd be exciting as hell and all that, but I'm guessing they'd want somebody with a better skill set than me. Smile

OK - questions.

1. What's a drink you really don't like?
2. What was the worst movie you saw in the movie theater?
3. When was the last time you wrote a personal letter? Who was it to? What kind of things did you say?
4. What's something artistic you have up on the walls at your place?
5. If money were no object, what sort of vehicle would you buy?


1. What's a drink you really don't like?
Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew. I don't drink soda/pop anymore but I could never stand either of those.
2. What was the worst movie you saw in the movie theater?
Stealth (2005). I only went because this older guy my friend knew wanted to see it and he said he would buy us beer afterwards. I was 18 at the time and liked to drink then.
3. When was the last time you wrote a personal letter? Who was it to? What kind of things did you say?
It was this past Saturday. A birthday card for my mother. He birthday isn't until January 28th but we were celebrating that Sunday because we would have my nephew with us that day and the rest of my family was off work. I told her how appreciative I am of her and how thankful I am that she is in my life.
4. What's something artistic you have up on the walls at your place?
I have a poster print of an abstract art piece that I found at a craft store. I have it framed above my couch.
5. If money were no object, what sort of vehicle would you buy?
I would honestly get a Mini Cooper from 2003-2015. They aren't super expensive but they are my favorite type of car.

1. What is your spirit animal or favorite animal?
2. How many different countries have you been to?
3. Do you have any weird hidden talents? (Touch your tongue to your nose, flexibility, etc.)
4. What kind of music do you listen to? Do you have a favorite album or artist?
5. What do you like most about yourself?

1. What's a drink you really don't like? - Planter's Punch. They make you drink one at your first tea dance on Fire Island. It contains vodka, tomato juice, and the vomit of the last person who drank one.

2. What was the worst movie you saw in the movie theater? - I recall we walked out of Tron when I was a kid, but that wasn't my decision. I hardly see any movies so if I go it's usually because I really wanted to.

3. When was the last time you wrote a personal letter? Who was it to? What kind of things did you say? I just wrote a very personal email to a good friend about a difficult situation. Not even an hour ago.

4. What's something artistic you have up on the walls at your place? I collect travel memorabilia so I have steamship line posters and a 3' Pan Am logo that would kill you if it fell on you.

5. If money were no object, what sort of vehicle would you buy? - Jeep Wrangler Unlimited, Safari trim package, manual shift, towing package, with hard and soft tops and a pipe rack for my paddleboard. Not that I've thought about it.

1. Planes, trains, or automobiles?
2. If you loved the book, do you see the movie?
3. Do you consider yourself fashion-conscious?
4. What is your biggest "OGT"
5. Optimal sleeping conditions?

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