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If being feminine/soft considered inferior
people are people at the end of the day and we should accept them no matter what, personally i am not that bothered how a person acts in that sense as long as we like each other and if you think about life also, everything we do these days is controlled by society and is far from the natural laws of life its self so thats why people have a warped sense of people which is controlled by society its self again.

bluedragon, I know it is very difficult to do, but eventually we all have to learn to not let the opinions of haters, the people who do not matter, have any influence on how you live your life and to keep you from being yourself. None of us like rejection and unkind words, but we would drive ourselves insane and never get a night's sleep if we let these people occupy our mind.

Will: First of all, there's something wrong with a society where being a soft, gentle, sensitive person is equated with being weak, and being (to steal a phrase from Borg) a "mouth breathing, knuckle dragging chest pounder" is equated with being strong and a "real man".

And the other thing is, no matter who you are or how you act someone's going to criticize. To go to the other extreme, I've had gay guys go off on me publicly and accuse me of being a sell-out and a "wanna-be gay" because I'm a cop and that apparently violates some Code of Gayness.
I remember a line from some old song that goes, You can't please everyone so you might as well please yourself...

I'm sorry that you're having to deal with this, it isn't right and it isn't fair, and I hope things get better.

The guy at 0:43 is fabulous. I would absolutely not be embarrased to have such a guy as a friend/being seen with him.

It's not easy to be confident when you're subject to ridicule, but remember that things said to you tell more about the person speaking, than it does about you.
You dad lacks confidence and selfasteem. He fears how having an expressive son will reflect on him; will it make him look less of a man? Ofcourse it won't, in fact accepting and proudly embrassing you would make him a much bigger man, in my eyes.
The bullies at school are afraid of being left out and being alone, so they make fun of those they perceive as weak in order to have something in common and to make themselves look superior. In fact, all it shows is that they're scared little fucks.

Laugh it off, you're awesome just as you are!

It's OK to be feminine. And as other have already encouraged you to do, please don't hate yourself for what you are. But I think you already know that.

Don't give up on trying to make friends. There are always people who would accept you just as you are and we all need those kind of people in our lives. So be persistent and don't stop looking!

You are "beautiful" just as you are.

If people can't see past their insecurities and hate...it is their problem, not yours.

There are (and will be) people who will LOVE you just as you are. never forget that.

everyone here is right
One of the FEW reasons I consider myself lucky to live in America Is I can be the person I really am, Except at home, where I'm just a Grumpy SOB because of my family, butI currently live in Texas, and First Day of school down here(My 11th grade year) I made it Quite clear to EVERYONe (though the teachers may not have caught on, or heard, not sure though, though some knew ) that I was gay, and that I Would be the #1, grade A nightmare of a Queen Bee(with an Itch) If they had a problem with it and tried to say anything.
Here, I could do that, and in most cases, I was respected for it (and yes, plenty of people tried to change me by talking to me about how wrong it is, etc, etc) while you can't be yourself as easily.
I've been out as likeing guys since 7th grade (I called myself "Bi-sexual then") and though some people had a problem with it, I actually made friends because of it (One of my best friends, I call her sissy, since she's like a sister, Would have me come over just

so she could put me in a dress and do my make up, so I could flaunt my stuff at malls... I miss that.. I miss Indiana XD) and I had other friend that came out to me, since I was one of the few at school who admitted I was gay, and so seeing that some people like you can't be yourself, it makes me want to bake a GIANT cake, and throw it in the face of every country that is so closed mminded, and say "WAKE UP AND TASTE THE CAKE! Compassion is needed here! Understanding! If you are a country of self respecting people, ACT LIKE IT and suck up your fears and dislike of the unusual" sadly, that is only possible in my imaginatoion, but still, If you got it but Can't Flaunt it, just Know, you're still beautiful, and there are people out there who will be there for you

This is indeed an interesting topic.

If you knew me from around the neighborhood, like many others you'd think I was the nicest person ever with a true heart of gold who seems as straight and as strong as they come. But you'd also hear about how I am one to never cross and one who won't hesitate to protect by any means necessary

I like to tell others that I can kick your ass without ever laying a hand on you through words and this type of beating causes much more pain then a physical one

As long as you are you, then don't worry about what others think. No matter who we are or how we dress and act, someone will always judge us, so learn to not value the opinions of those who only speak because they have a hole in their face.

I was a Marine and served in an infantry unit and deployed twice. I did this as a very sensitive and emotional gay young male and without stroking my ego, I actually was a cut above most Marines and often viewed them as "fags" because of how much they complained about everything and anything....Dog

Of all the the things you will encounter in this life...

Believe me when I say masculinity or femininity will be such a small part of it.

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