09-10-2014, 03:46 PM
Sanderson Wrote:Well sort of. I used to work with him for a while and finally we got to talking about going to a theme park, just the two of us and we spent the entire day together. He constantly found ways to bring up the idea of me having a wife which led me to wonder if he wanted me to come out to him. I'm not the most discreet of people so I would be surprised if he hasn't been questioning it. I just find it strange, even one of my other coworkers caught onto this and asked me if I was gay and if I was interested, I lied of course to them because I didn't want to cause work drama, but it showed that it was most likely sort of obvious. Now he has made other ideas for us to hang out. I'm just not sure if he just wants a friend and if he is actually straight or if he is gay, shy, and is interested but won't tell me. Is there any way in figuring this out? I really would prefer not asking him but if that is the only way then I guess eventually I will have to.
Sanderson, I'm on tenterhooks....

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