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Im worried,should i do it?
Rareboy Wrote:Edit......I see that the salacious details that the OP posted have been removed while I was writing to report his post. I think we're all being played.

You may be right, but you also may be wrong.
If this truely is a confused 16/17/18 year old in need of advice, I wanna do what I can to help him. If he's a troll, then who cares?

You went through with it. Fine. I felt shame after my first time too, even though it was just regular sex (or love even! It was passionate and amazing 1 on 1). Forget the shame. It's your body and you can do with it as you please. Everybody has sex. There's no need to be ashamed of having sex. We're literally built to do it.

You didn't enjoy the experience as much as you thought you would, so let's remember than and avoid doing it again. Take some time to lick your wounds and process the experience. Use the knowledge to have better sex with future partners. Three older guys who do gang-banging must have alot of experience, I'm sure some of it rubbed off on you. You thought they were rough, be more gentle than they were if you ever top. Etc.

You were probably in positions that you're not normally in, this would explain why your legs and knees feel weakened. This should pass in a few days.

Eventhough they were all using condoms, you should still go get tested. I can imagine nothing worse than spreading untreatable diseases to future sex partners.
Also, don't be ashamed of seeing the doctor and asking for the tests. He/she has seen it all time and time again. They've seen everything from a 80 year old lady with a lightbulb stuck up her butt to a 6 year old boy with a toy car stuck in the ear passage. Your fear of STDs will be drops in the ocean.

Darius Wrote:You confided in us and chose to ignore everything we suggested. What makes you think someone in your real life would have had any more success?

If any of what you said is true, I hope this is not an indication of a lifetime of bad decisions.

I agree but we all do mistake. Even so he should of known better, even so we told him, I still think he deserve some support. I just hope you will learn from this mistake and not do anymore bad decisions like this.

Alex977: You came here for advice and we all told you the samething: dont do it. Many peoples here have lot's of experience here. I am not going to tell you I told you so BUT from now on you should listen peoples who have more experience than you do when you ask for advice.

I am glad they all wore condoms. I just hope you are OK now.

i don't know....i'm kind of having trouble believing some of these newbie threads. take this one, asking advice on whether to meet up with 4 strangers, okay. seems like a legit question. but now, a highly detailed account of an event that was supposedly (half-)traumatizing/on the negative side? i mean, come on:

Quote:Then the other guy put me on my back on couch,and he was in from one thrust,it hurt,i moaned,and i pleaded,and he was stopping from time to time,and after some time it didn't hurt that much,he noticed,then he was rougher,and he wouldn't listen,i moaned,it hurt but he wouldn't stop.Then came the other,and all of them.They just shifted me from time to time.I felt like a rag doll,without control.I was feeling pleasure,just in one position when i was one the side with one guy,it's like he hit some good spot.But most of the time,i felt numb,and hurtful,and very weak.They played with me for 3-4 hours,i think.By the end hours they were getting really rough.My face was in the pillow,and my butt was up.They pounded me long like that,i moaned really loud,they seemed to like that,but they stopped my moaning,by filling my mouth from time to time.In the end,some of them blowed load on my face and chest.

who the fuck posts details like that on a thread asking advice on how to act? this is a pornographic novel here, not a person in need of advice.


Your butt hurts? That would have been prevented if you'd used your head to begin with.

Use your head in the future to avoid situations like this.

meridannight Wrote:i don't know....i'm kind of having trouble believing some of these newbie threads. take this one, asking advice on whether to meet up with 4 strangers, okay. seems like a legit question. but now, a highly detailed account of an event that was supposedly (half-)traumatizing/on the negative side? i mean, come on:

who the fuck posts details like that on a thread asking advice on how to act? this is a pornographic novel here, not a person in need of advice.

I agree it was a bit odd reading this. I would of not used the word moan if I didn't enjoyed.
But something like I scream at him to stop.

It's hard to tell if he's a troll or he say the truth but I am giving him the benefits of the doubt because no matter if he told the truth or not this treat is read by way more people compare to peoples actually posting reply. So in the end, it may help someone not doing the same mistake. he did.

meridannight Wrote:i don't know....i'm kind of having trouble believing some of these newbie threads. take this one, asking advice on whether to meet up with 4 strangers, okay. seems like a legit question. but now, a highly detailed account of an event that was supposedly (half-)traumatizing/on the negative side? i mean, come on:

who the fuck posts details like that on a thread asking advice on how to act? this is a pornographic novel here, not a person in need of advice.

Exactly. And the problem is that another 'newbie' wrote basically the same story a week or so ago, but got tripped up on his own lies. From the outset, I could predict the outcome....the OP would go ahead with the meet-up and then post the details of the encounter....in a lurid wall of text that read like something from Nifty...not something that an inexperienced 16 year old would write.

I doubt if I was the only person here who was uncomfortable with a 16 year old basically asking people here for permission to put himself at risk.....fortunately, most people gave sensible advice and cautioned the writer not only about sexual exploitation, but about the legality of the situation.

For those interested ....you can check out the work of Unsure17...https://gayspeak.com/showthread.php?t=34543

To be absolutely fair to the OP.

Now that you've more or less recovered from your gang bang....what next?

Will you admit to all the posters who warned about the emotional and physical consequences of this ill advised adventure that they were absolutely right?

I don't know whether any of this is true or not but it really has me irritated, even angry.

You came here asking for our advice and our answer was clear: This is not a good situation for you -- for anyone who is inexperienced but especially someone so young.

Now you've been gang raped. Doesn't matter that he was 'sort of persuasive' and you went along with it. If your story is true, you're a teenager and these are adult men who have taken advantage of your curiosity and lack of experience and used you as a fuck doll. Sick bastards.

What pisses me off is that this could be the first step in a developing pattern of abuse. ESPECIALLY if you are now feeling guilt and shame and that you somehow 'deserve' to be abused.

No, [MENTION=22063]Alex977[/MENTION], NO ONE "deserves" to be abused. No one deserves to be manipulated into doing something that isn't physically or psychologically healthy for them. Being used as a sex object -- that is, being in a sexual situation with someone (not to mention a group) who has no respect for you -- is not healthy. This is especially true for your first experience. It confuses you because, on one hand, it was 'stimulating'. It sets up a trigger in your brain that says 'oh, so this is what sex is like.' Actually, no, that isn't what sex is like. That is what gang rape is like.

I hope you come out of this feeling less ashamed and more angry. You were used. And, if you let them, they will use you and abuse you again and again until they get tired of you. How are you going to feel about yourself then? This is what worries me. Men like this will do anything to keep you coming back. They'll entice you with gifts or money. They'll supply you with drugs. They'll use you until you're worn out and then they'll discard you like trash -- because, Alex, these men don't care about you AT ALL. All they care about is getting their rocks off and you've let them get away with it once. I have no doubt once will not be enough for them.

If you have such a low sense of self-worth that you feel you deserve to be manipulate, used and abused like this, this will happen again -- and not just with this group of men. It will become a pattern that gets repeated over and over -- even in one-on-one situations. You may very likely end up becoming a prostitute and a drug addict. Is this what you want for your life?

So, it all boils down to you now. To start with, there is only one person who can stop this from happening again -- and that is you. You need to learn to say NO very loud and clear, and mean it. You must NEVER respond to any of these men ever again. I don't care WHAT they say.

The best thing you could do for yourself would be to find an adult, someone with authority, and tell them your story. Ideally this would be your parents. However, I understand how terrifying that thought could be -- it feels like you would be risking their love, their support, the whole family. And, you might be right about that, I don't know.

The next best would be to tell your Dr or someone in the police or one of the social service agencies. Here in the US we have "child protective" social services. It is their job to protect children and young people.

In any case, you are right. You need someone in real life to CONFIDE in -- and preferably someone who is an adult who has dealt with this kind of thing before and knows the laws where you live.

What I hope you begin to realize is that you are a VICTIM here. At the very least you need counseling -- someone you can trust to help you deal with the emotional consequences of this event.

In any case, there is only one person who can stop this from becoming a life pattern that could lead to a downward spiral -- and that is you. You've already shown that it doesn't matter what we say here -- you're going to do whatever you're going to do. But that doesn't mean we have to go along with it. You need to start turning your life around and right now is the time to do it. And, yes, sometimes we need help to do that (take it from someone who knows). There have to be adults around you who will take this seriously and who *will* care about YOU, your life. I encourage you to look for and find at least ONE of them and ask them for help. You need it.

Of course your butt hurts. Mine hurts just from reading this.

Rareboy Wrote:And what the hell is 'cuddling' in a group scene??

Cuddle Partyyyy!!!!! Bighug


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