I Think I'm in love with my Best Friend... (I'm a Guy, Hes a Guy). So we have been mates for a long time now, we do mostly everything together...I'm 16 and Hes 15...Some people think you cant love at this age...But If this isn't love, who knows.I think about him everyday. I Miss him when he isn't there. I care about him...I want to kiss him, Hug him. everything under the sun every-time I see him...I haven't had many relationships in my life so far...but I just want him so badly... (I'm also a closeted Bisexual, So he doesn't know because I don't want my sexuality to get in the way of our friendship). He isn't Homophobic, And I think he can tell I like him...People say stuff allot like as a joke...So they might say "Why do you never insult him, hurt him. Hit him when he hits u..." Stuff like that...Iv even been told by one of my friends I'm out to every-time I look at him...There is a sort of twinkle in my eye... I don't know his sexuality and I'm not sure.If he likes me or even notices.We play fight allot...Allot physical contact...For example when we end up wrestling over my phone on his bed because he is trying to text one of my friends saying something silly...Lol...Hes Cute...Adorable...Perfect in every-way...Any one have any advice. If I should tell him I'm Bisexual, or that i like him...Or just tell him I'm bisexual and let things work out. If so How should I tell him I'm bisexual?...AHHH...SO COMPLICATED! :3 Lol...
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Not so complicated, if he has no problem, tell him you're bi then see his reaction. Don't rush with everything all at once, you can give him signs you're in love with him, one step at a time. The only way to know his sexuality is when he tells you, but don't ask him too early, or if you're both uncomfortable, this could be very awkward. Give it some time to find it out.
If he's straight, move on and stay friends with him.
If he's interested in you, this could be the beginning of something beautiful.
Anyway I'm sure others here will give you better advice. Welcome by the way
BlueStar Wrote:Not so complicated, if he has no problem, tell him you're bi then see his reaction. Don't rush with everything all at once, you can give him signs you're in love with him, one step at a time. The only way to know his sexuality is when he tells you, but don't ask him too early, or if you're both uncomfortable, this could be very awkward. Give it some time to find it out.
If he's straight, move on and stay friends with him.
If he's interested in you, this could be the beginning of something beautiful.
Anyway I'm sure others here will give you better advice. Welcome by the way  Thank you for the advice  . I over-think sometimes :3
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I am one of those people who is not always in favor of coming out. In this case, I think you should tell your friend exactly what is going on. At fifteen and sixteen you guys have a lot ahead of you to face. Either you face it together or you learn to face it alone. Better to have an early start on this stuff.
You may have to deal with having different attractions. That does not mean you cannot be friends. Give it a chance.
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Love is a pretty complicated emotion... especially when mixed with hormones, lust, infatuation, obsession, attraction, desire, physical contact, trust, a confidant, ... and as much as you're going to hate to hear this, you're very young and new to this influx of raging hormones telling you to screw practically everything.
It's nature's way of tricking us into reproducing.
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[MENTION=21075]Borg69[/MENTION] is right… but all that said, within the context of adolescence, of course you *can* be feeling "love"… at least what "love" means to you right now at your age. As you grow older your appreciation of what that word means will grow, deepen and expand. But right now, how you feel is "love" to you … if you were to loose it you would feel "hurt" and "suffer" its loss.
I probably don't have to say this but just in case, keep in mind that your younger friend may NOT have the same feelings you do. He may like you very much and consider you a friend, maybe even his best friend, but perhaps for him it is more like brothers.
There's a lot of distance between *that* and what YOU are experiencing (all the stuff Borg69 listed). You don't want to hurt your friend, put him in an awkward position or mess up the friendship you have. That doesn't mean you can't tell him *some* of how you feel, as [MENTION=21111]BlueStar[/MENTION] said. You just need to be very respectful of his personal boundaries, whatever they may be.
I had similar feelings for a guy I work with, where everytime he said something nice to me I started to think 'Is he as interested in me as i am in him', or I would observe some of his actions and convince myself that he was gay.
I started a thread about this the other week and [MENTION=21778]Lexington[/MENTION] had some great words of advice to consider:-
Quote:If you think somebody's gay, he's gay.
If you think somebody's interested, he's interested.
It sounds like you are close to this guy (in a friend sort of way), so as others have said, tell him you are bi, then see what his reaction is.
You and your mate are still relatively young in terms of 'sexual years' at only 16 and sometimes people don't have enough 'life experience' years to handle things in a good way and he may freak out if you tell him you fancy him.
So just take it one step at a time, tell him you are bi, then just drop the odd gay reference into conversations over the next few weeks and see what happens.