Once a cheater always a cheater I think . If I were you I would leave without him. But if you think he really cares and love you he Will follow u on his own and try and make it up to you. Make him work for your love and attention. But remember love keep in mind he could do it again.
I am sorry but I have to agree that he has been cheating for sometime and that he was way to comfortable and got caught I am so sorry that this is has happened to you .I hope that you are able to work threw this and kick him to the curb! I think that if you take him back that he will just do it again to you and you deserve better than that ! I wish you the best of luck
wow poor you..
It sounds to me that he had a knee jerk reaction for being caught and im guessing as it was 3am and he just arrived back from a gay bar there was alcohol involved so there may be all sorts of issues here..
Are you both in an open relationship? Have either of you an agreement about sex outside the relationship or has he tried to discuss this before?
Were you having issues prior to this evening?
Has he tried to make amends or apologise since his outburst on Saturday..
I would like to know the answers to these questions first before writing him off as a total useless asshole..
I have recently had some issues in my relationship and have to say if my partner had reacted like that he would be out the door before he had finished his rant.. and would need to do some serious asskissing to get a chance to even try to explain the situation..
You don't really need advise. You knew the truth before you walked downstairs.
Do what you know you need to do. Sever ties.
Do not keep strings attached or prolong the breakup. Get clear of the falling tree.
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Joined: Aug 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
move on. plain and simple
Tumors needs to be excised before they become malignant and kill you.
It seems like this tumor (your BF) is about to go malignant, and is going to at best ruin you if you do not excise him out of your life.
Yes I know its hard, yes I know that you still love him and want to believe that you can go back to being 'us' like it was before all of this happened.
But rarely do couples get to go back, and those that do have to work real hard at it in order to regain that trust they once had.
He doesn't appear ready to do the work. He is in denial (at best) and is hoping to pull the wool over your eyes.
Granted he is using the standard tools of the guilty once caught in order to get the attention moved away from his 'sin' - but the reality is that rarely does a cheater get back to the monogamy thing, especially if they are willing to bring the strange home.
Clearly there is a big financial boon in the near future for you and him - thus yes he is going to want to do his best to stay in that loop.
However, do not be convinced that moving to a new land will result in his no longer cheating. It may prevent him from cheating with the fellow you caught him in bed with, but I assure you that a new land will only provide him with an endless supply of new guys to cheat with.
I'm sorry he hurt you, I fear that the chances are very high that he will only go about hurting you more if you try to patch this up and stay a couple.
Ultimately to break it off or to stay is your choice. Only you possess all of the data to decide here.
Based on what you said, I side with everyone else, leave him.